first grow seedling day 3

sounds good, should slide out like ice cubes by then. meanwhile, if you think they are thirsty just mist 'em with water but try not to wet the soil.
too late I gave them some water but I ended up doing it anyways. Cutting the cup helped and looks like I didn't damage any roots doing it. They held together well. You were totally right way more roots at the very bottom liked nice and filled up. To my surprise they looked pretty dry even after just having watering them a little. I think I should have been giving them more water throughout this or I just wasn't giving them enough.

All went well I just need to add a bit more water but Im out my tap sucks setting up my ro system maybe sunday ;p

Thanks for the help much a appreciated.
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No problem. I had help so we try to pay back.
yes, let them dry out real well, a couple days; but when you do water 'em, water 'em thoroughly (they say about 10% runoff is what we want), over-watering is not usually caused by too much at once, its too often.
I guess you already know not to try to feed any ferts with the new soil for about 2 weeks. it should have plenty in the soil and nutes can burn 'em up real easily at this stage.
My soil does not have an nutes it's a soilless mix kinda like a seed starter mostly coco and peat. Should I give some nutes next watering then?
Okay so how much do I feed them like say if they take like a half gallon to run off do I feed them 1/4 gallon nutes and then another 1/4 gallon of nutes later in the week?
no, if it takes a half gallon to get the runoff, give it a half gallon each time. Just adjust the amount of nutes.
for example... my fert says max dosage is 4ml./L and I want to feed it a gallon at 25% strength. that max dosage is for the entire week, not each feeding.
so... 4ml. * 4L = 16ml./gal *.25% = 3.75ml./gal.
now divide that by # of feedings per week (3.75ml. / 2 = 1.875ml./gal.).
so i would mix 1.87ml. per gallon and do that twice per week.
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quick up date they look okay only one is looking really pale in the new growth and sad, I think it really needed some nutes.But the light yellow one seems like it grow 30 percent in one day. That ones a beast. The rest have stayed the same still droopy.

I backed the light off and turned it down to give them a break. I think it was too much for that one that is looking sad and pale.

Edit* It's not as pale this morning and perking up a little. I did give it a sip of some nutes too, like 2oz of water.
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new growth may look a light green color, i believe this to be normal but the rest of the plants should be a dark, lush green.
I did not want to say it but I think that dirt is going to be a problem for you. It looks like yard dirt. Plants generally thrive and begin putting on new growth and forcing you to raise the light almost daily a few days after their feet get in that new, nutrient-rich soil but you don't have nutrient rich soil so i really don't know how to advise you now.

You might want to invest in some cal-mag plus. that will prevent common deficiencies that cause yellowing, etc.
Ya I know I think I'm getting the hang of it. I was supposed to water the new dirt with nutes should be fine now till I can water again. I need to treat it as more of a coco/hydro setup. Next run Im going coco or no till soil hopefully no till. I'm already invested in this soil so I'm just going to see how it goes and feel it out.
When I say this plants new growth was pale it was drastically much paler than previous days like white almost not just a slight yellowing. I should have taken a picture but my phone was dead last night. It's looking good now though even picking up it's leaves finally. The lights could have been too bright I did just switch them to the high power cobs a few days ago. But the problem was really only on this one seedling.

Ya I think I need to get the cal-mag with my ro water anyways correct?
I did just switch them to the high power cobs a few days ago.
Oh, HID lighting would cause that bleached look and that sounds like what it is. Light Burn.
HID lights are a different animal that floros and should be 14-16" from the tops.
And you are right about the dirt... it's too late now. are those containers what you plan to flower in?
No I want to go up to a 5 or 7 gal what would you suggest these are 1 gal I have a 4 by 4 and 4 plants I want to fill it with a scrog. My vertical height is only 6 feet. So with the lighting I'll lose 6 from the unit and they probably need like 12 to 16 inches on space for the canopy. So let's say like a 4' finished plant? Veg to about 2 and half feet I think and put the scrog up and LTS them wide?

I was thinking 3 gal next then 5 or 7.

Cob led lighting
Like this

Im running it below 50 percent now and about 20 inches from tops now. I had it at 60 (170 watts) and 14 inches a few days. Then I was reading that you want to let them relax after transplant so they can focus on rooting instead of leaf growth. Probably pushing 20k lumen in a 4 foot bar right now.

If your interested in these check out this video
They are expensive but they pay off in the long run. They seem to run pretty cool so far. No intake or anything and Im holding 73 with the tent all sealed up. It's like 68 in my room. The cfl I had to leave the door open with two CFL running but they were closer so that's not quite a far comparison. Im sure they will be cranking heat when I get more and run them full blast.
Sorry man, I must have missed your posts somehow.
I just stopped by to swap veg photos and will need to absorb all that cob stuff. if they really run that cool, i am definitely interested if i can afford 'em.
Anyway, here's my girl at day 35, also a photo of the top where i tried to fim it, will see what it does... its been 2 days since i snipped it off.
No I want to go up to a 5 or 7 gal what would you suggest these are 1 gal I have a 4 by 4 and 4 plants I want to fill it with a scrog.
I would go with the 7 gal.
I started in a 7 gallon and got 7+ ounces, used a 10 gallon on next grow and got 10+ ounces so larger container = more roots = more bud!
still using the 10 gallon.

*edit* the approx. 1 ounce per gallon of soil is coincidental am sure... just worked out that way.
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Sorry man, I must have missed your posts somehow.
I just stopped by to swap veg photos and will need to absorb all that cob stuff. if they really run that cool, i am definitely interested if i can afford 'em.
Anyway, here's my girl at day 35, also a photo of the top where i tried to fim it, will see what it does... its been 2 days since i snipped it off.

Wow thats looking awesome! Two of my seedling seem to be doing good. I talked to canna they said you're right no feeding for a week after transplanting.

A light for your space 4 by 1 ft about 300-400$ depending on how much power you want to run. 200 watts could do it. Doing it your style lol maybe 400 watts 60k lumens. I know you're pushing 100k but this is all in one direction. There's these new quantum boards too that put out like no heat too. But they are new tech not many have used them yet they look promising.

Hey where do you take your temps from i was putting the probe right next to the seedling pointing at the lights. Then i was thinking maybe i should put the probe out of the light. So thats what im doing now.

So I got an ro system I guess I dont need to ph plain water canna says but then at the end the guys says "Unless you have toxins in the water you use, or the ppm is above 300-400 ppm, then you do not need RO water. It is best to not use it as it is extremely reactive and will strip the copper and other divalent ions right out of the pipes it is moving in.
Hope this clarifies the need a little more." Idk the water comes right out of the ro unit so I don't see how it could screw it could strip copper out of a plastic tube.
Also said not to add cal mag better to mix it with plain tap water or feed them more heavily. Isn't the whole point of ro I don't want unknown ppm in my water.
As I understand, temps should be taken in the shade and out of the wind.
Ideally, we are wanting the air temperature without wind or sun interfering with it... or so they say.
Meteorologists take temp readings in an open field, within a shaded screened structure, 4 feet off the ground.

That said, I have the wired probe from the heat mat rigged up to a telescopic antenna with a bread tie to stiffen the wire at top level and another (caliber IV) balanced on the edge of the container measuring temp and humidity.

I don't know anything about RO water other than it is about the same as distilled water and contains no minerals or anything at all really.
Do you have a TDS meter to measure you tap water? mine is 036-040ppm. it kinda varies a little.

I was using cal-mag as part of regular feeding but now only use it when the plant begins showing signs of deficiencies. It's just good to have around since mg is a very common deficiency but they are correct, your base nutes is supposed to contain enough.
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no tds meter right now we have a salt water tank in the house so have I an ro unit. Our water is pretty shitty and has chlorine in it. Rather not have to have gallons of water sitting around if I don't have to. Ill just feed them more heavily like they said.

"cal-mag is in base nutes" cool that's all I really was asking canna lol.
currently temp away from the light is 73 air. My probe for the heat mat is in a solo cup of dirt under the lights it's reading 77.
Before it was like 73 at the seedling in the light 74.5 in the dirt cup.

These new air pot seem to be doing better with the moisture they are all almost dry today been 4 days gonna dry them out good than maybe water tomorrow. I like that I can just feel the bottom and if that's dry I should be good to water.
Am no guru by any stretch but a 77F root zone temp sounds waaay too warm to me. Once established, the root zone should be closer to 68-70F i think, really wanting to say 66F... again, i ain't no guru and after transplant, i took it out of the soil. I give it ~68F water.