Anyone else getting fed up with not being able to post pictures?

That's what I plan to do...a massive upload of pics all,at one time...
Lol . Yeah I'm pretty back logged myself . To relieve my picture posting desires I hit up Thc farmer . They have a very easy upload system just like rollitup. Ic mag is a bit cumbersome but pretty cool. On ic mag you have to upload to your personal albums first and then select your picture from your album and then to enlarge it you have to remove part of that URL thing , the part that says thumbnail... so a bit of a drag there. I love rollitup simple uploading and copy features.
Lol . Yeah I'm pretty back logged myself . To relieve my picture posting desires I hit up Thc farmer . They have a very easy upload system just like rollitup. Ic mag is a bit cumbersome but pretty cool. On ic mag you have to upload to your personal albums first and then select your picture from your album and then to enlarge it you have to remove part of that URL thing , the part that says thumbnail... so a bit of a drag there. I love rollitup simple uploading and copy features.
it should be fine once its up
youd think but they arent

hahaha how is this still causing unrest ?? i was fed up and said it, it was days ago and that was that but somehow this debate is still going strong

Fair enough, but I am of the opinion that complaining about a free lunch is a pretty shitty thing to do.

People have lives, people have babies/kids, etc. I think most folks are more than understanding of these things.
(Waits patiently for the frog/anti-Drumpf memes to flow.)

i fully understand what you are getting at biglou it is as you put it a "free lunch" for the people that use it but are you so naive to think this site isn't a business?, do you think these advertisements just post for free? that the people running this site are not profiting from it?

you talked about people and their kids like you know me and know i don't care, insinuating that my 1 thread venting a frustration was a direct insult to these people and i think to be honest that was abit shit

do you believe that they are volunteers giving their time for the greater good?

once again i am not saying anything untoward just stating that the people who are members here are the traffic that makes these advertisers pay to sell their wears and the people who run this site earn off that so it's not like we are not as members beneficial to them, fact is that it is win win on both sides

so tell me how am i being ungrateful by mentioning i was fed up with not being able to post pics?
hahaha how is this still causing unrest ?? i was fed up and said it, it was days ago and that was that but somehow this debate is still going strong

i fully understand what you are getting at biglou it is as you put it a "free lunch" for the people that use it but are you so naive to think this site isn't a business?, do you think these advertisements just post for free? that the people running this site are not profiting from it?

you talked about people and their kids like you know me and know i don't care, insinuating that my 1 thread venting a frustration was a direct insult to these people and i think to be honest that was abit shit

do you believe that they are volunteers giving their time for the greater good?

once again i am not saying anything untoward just stating that the people who are members here are the traffic that makes these advertisers pay to sell their wears and the people who run this site earn off that so it's not like we are not as members beneficial to them, fact is that it is win win on both sides

so tell me how am i being ungrateful by mentioning i was fed up with not being able to post pics?

TL/don't give a shit.

hahaha how is this still causing unrest ?? i was fed up and said it, it was days ago and that was that but somehow this debate is still going strong

i fully understand what you are getting at biglou it is as you put it a "free lunch" for the people that use it but are you so naive to think this site isn't a business?, do you think these advertisements just post for free? that the people running this site are not profiting from it?

you talked about people and their kids like you know me and know i don't care, insinuating that my 1 thread venting a frustration was a direct insult to these people and i think to be honest that was abit shit

do you believe that they are volunteers giving their time for the greater good?

once again i am not saying anything untoward just stating that the people who are members here are the traffic that makes these advertisers pay to sell their wears and the people who run this site earn off that so it's not like we are not as members beneficial to them, fact is that it is win win on both sides

so tell me how am i being ungrateful by mentioning i was fed up with not being able to post pics?
I think you're the one who's taking it way blown out of proportion
i just don't like it when people are being negative in a round about way to say that "it is a free lunch and moaning is pretty shitty thing to do" is a reference to myself who said i was fed up and then to say that the people have lives kids like i needed schooling and i was ungrateful of their efforts is like i said pretty shitty

i hate passive aggressive just say it don't try to be cryptic

but in all honesty i haven't insulted anyone just explaining to lou how a business works
i just don't like it when people are being negative in a round about way to say that "it is a free lunch and moaning is pretty shitty thing to do" is a reference to myself who said i was fed up and then to say that the people have lives kids like i needed schooling and i was ungrateful of their efforts is like i said pretty shitty

i hate passive aggressive just say it don't try to be cryptic

but in all honesty i haven't insulted anyone just explaining to lou how a business works

Give it a rest, kid, nobody cares. Your initial post = childish, bitchy, and rude. My reply was about as "cryptic" as a sledgehammer blow, at least for those with an IQ above 75.

I can already tell you're gonna be a fun one....I'll be sure to check back after the dog park....
haha insults, yes the language of an "adult", like i said lou i am not here to insult or argue with a stranger on the internet, i simply replied to your terrible assumptions

i preferred the " i don't give a shit" lou not this emotional lou lol

stay classy
@sunni please pass along my gratitude for all they do to keep this site up and running.

Having been through the loss of a good group of people when the venue closed (not this industry) I've come to appreciate the hard work involved in keeping something like this going on a day to day basis.

I want to see everything back to 'normal' too. I just know how much effort that takes.
@sunni please pass along my gratitude for all they do to keep this site up and running.

Having been through the loss of a good group of people when the venue closed (not this industry) I've come to appreciate the hard work involved in keeping something like this going on a day to day basis.

I want to see everything back to 'normal' too. I just know how much effort that takes.
Ya should be soon I hope
@sunni please pass along my gratitude for all they do to keep this site up and running.

Having been through the loss of a good group of people when the venue closed (not this industry) I've come to appreciate the hard work involved in keeping something like this going on a day to day basis.

I want to see everything back to 'normal' too. I just know how much effort that takes.

Wanna see some super bootleg X-rated frog memes, bro?