Bye Bye Marijuana State Laws

Why do people keep skewing this? Did anybody actually listen to his speech or read a credible article. They are not going against states decisions, they are going to enforce the law as implemented by the states and make sure they are followed l. Cannabis will only progress coke next year. They've made multiple statements confirming this including Jeff Sessions. Mark my words.
Why do people keep skewing this? Did anybody actually listen to his speech or read a credible article. They are not going against states decisions, they are going to enforce the law as implemented by the states and make sure they are followed l. Cannabis will only progress coke next year. They've made multiple statements confirming this including Jeff Sessions. Mark my words.
^^^^^ delusional.
Why do people keep skewing this? Did anybody actually listen to his speech or read a credible article. They are not going against states decisions, they are going to enforce the law as implemented by the states and make sure they are followed l. Cannabis will only progress coke next year. They've made multiple statements confirming this including Jeff Sessions. Mark my words.
He said the Justice Department would enforce FEDERAL law...

That word is key, ya dumb fuckin' cuckadoodle-doo.