Ban white people

I'm native American and I always just think what would of happend if the Columbus crew wouldn't have killed all Those millions of ndns when they arrived and how they were starving so bad they captured maze growers because they couldn't farm a thing but I also wouldn't be here because im. Mixed also .. The contradiction is real
What contradiction?
You can be a product of a shitty world and be a beutiful person.
The crusades, hello? Fuck whitey!
The crusades where Christian campaigns b4 race was the issue. They where after all non christian religions . Back in those days muslims enslaved christians and whoever and christians elslaved non christians . The two had a fued and not everyone one was for slavery. Racism was a glimer in humans eye,some people where raised with and they would automatically be afraid of or dislike what they didn't know but it wasn't until these things boiled that the idea of race was cooked up and from that racism was taught to the public and since then it has been both very real (people belive it) and it has been used to manipulate the public for political reasons. Muslim and Christian religions are not only the bloodiest but they are the two religions most responsible for the creation of modern racism and the perpetuation of racism. The op is obviously cuaght up in the game.
The crusades where Christian campaigns b4 race was the issue. They where after all non christian religions . Back in those days muslims enslaved christians and whoever and christians elslaved non christians . The two had a fued and not everyone one was for slavery. Racism was a glimer in humans eye,some people where raised with and they would automatically be afraid of or dislike what they didn't know but it wasn't until these things boiled that the idea of race was cooked up and from that racism was taught to the public and since then it has been both very real (people belive it) and it has been used to manipulate the public for political reasons. Muslim and Christian religions are not only the bloodiest but they are the two religions most responsible for the creation of modern racism and the perpetuation of racism. The op is obviously cuaght up in the game.
Whoever told you racism didn't exist in the ancient world did you a serious disservice.

You got some homework to do before you try to tell us all how it was back then.
Whoever told you racism didn't exist in the ancient world did you a serious disservice.

You got some homework to do before you try to tell us all how it was back then.
The crusades where Christian campaigns T or f = T
They where after all non christian religions T or f = T
muslims enslaved christians and whoever and christians elslaved non christians . T or f= T
"some people where raised with(It) and they would automatically be afraid of or dislike what they didn't know" rite there i said racism existed already. =T
race was invented and pitched to the masses after there was already a holy war. modern racism is a permutation of original reaction , culture clash, and a direct decedent of organized religion. i didn't say racism didn't exist but thanks for the critica. wanna debate this?=) i know what i am talking about and i"m pretty centrist in my critical thinking. i can give you sources but not off the top of my head.
Lol, poor cracker baby:cry:

"It has been suggested however, that white slave foremen in the antebellum South were called "crackers" owing to their practice of "cracking the whip" to drive and punish slaves. Whips were also cracked over pack animals, so "cracker" may have referred to whip cracking more generally."


That's the thing about crackers, though - they are very frail and easily crumble when any amount of pressure is applied.
what does that even mean? where you born light headed? pretty left field even for an alt-right.
That's my $0.02 reply to the op's racist post/thread. Check out the Peruvian economist Hernando De Soto's account of "pursuit of happiness", also known as the right to acquire land and title to it.
Lol, poor cracker baby:cry:

No, see I've had it all handed to me my whole white life. I will live and die at the top of the mountain and then after death it will be handed to my white family for yet another generation of privilege.

This site is insane

Good times here. Its like the adult* version of Lord of the Flies. Membership consists of about 92% liberal snowflakes with hurt feels.
No, see I've had it all handed to me my whole white life. I will live and die at the top of the mountain and then after death it will be handed to my white family for yet another generation of privilege.

Good times here. Its like the adult* version of Lord of the Flies. Membership consists of about 92% liberal snowflakes with hurt feels.

My comment had nothing to do with your lack of wealth, poor,whiny ,cracker, bitch.