I'm not forced to post you know that I just thought I'd get the typical answer when I asked if someone voted , the typical answer I get is no cause the system is rigged and the govt is out to get you blah blah that's all I was asking and got an answer, but now I've moved to why is there still so much bitching and attacking our president this is America this is how it works here you don't like it leave the country find somewhere better, it's the people like in this thread that ruin our world just constant attacking and shaming and hurting people just cause you didn't win, well guess what I didn't win either and oh well that's life and now I'm over it
I'm not forced to post you know that I just thought I'd get the typical answer when I asked if someone voted , the typical answer I get is no cause the system is rigged and the govt is out to get you blah blah that's all I was asking and got an answer, but now I've moved to why is there still so much bitching and attacking our president this is America this is how it works here you don't like it leave the country find somewhere better, it's the people like in this thread that ruin our world just constant attacking and shaming and hurting people just cause you didn't win, well guess what I didn't win either and oh well that's life and now I'm over it

I vote, you dumb sob. As for not questioning or criticizing what our government does, that is how a democracy works, dumbass. But by all means just keep bending over and taking it, bro.
I know you all think I'm an idiot which I can be at times, I just simply wanna know why so much hate? It ruins you, try forgiving and moving on you'll be a happier person trust me
I vote, you dumb sob. As for not questioning or criticizing what our government does, that is how a democracy works, dumbass. But by all means just keep bending over and taking it, bro.
I'm not a genius I'll give you that, I definitely question things, everyone does, but some of you guys take it to the extreme and it's a little ridiculous IMO
Oh I know I'm odd ass motha fucka but I'm happy not paranoid and not making myself mad at things I don't have control over and I know how let go of shit, I got life figured out
soooo, again we have a person who just wants to talk about their boring self.
Yes I'm always happy and not shit can bring me down or upset can you say the same?
The topic of the post is Trump's illicit sex life with his children. Unless you have habits like this and are informing us what perverts think about themselves after they are finished raping their daughter, perhaps you can just toddle off and bore people elsewhere?
Trump didn't have sex with his kids you guys can take anything and blow it out of proportion, but thank you for proving my point of not letting go if I'm such a young dumbass who doesn't know shit why can't you ignore my posts?
I'm not forced to post you know that I just thought I'd get the typical answer when I asked if someone voted , the typical answer I get is no cause the system is rigged and the govt is out to get you blah blah that's all I was asking and got an answer, but now I've moved to why is there still so much bitching and attacking our president this is America this is how it works here you don't like it leave the country find somewhere better, it's the people like in this thread that ruin our world just constant attacking and shaming and hurting people just cause you didn't win, well guess what I didn't win either and oh well that's life and now I'm over it
LOL So you whine about people whining? You think this is somehow "unamerican"? You don't understand much about this country do you?
Trump didn't have sex with his kids you guys can take anything and blow it out of proportion, but thank you for proving my point of not letting go if I'm such a young dumbass who doesn't know shit why can't you ignore my posts?
Weed ignore them if you didn't post them
I think the best part is no 12 year old would ever consent to you.

So you still have to jack off to nickelodeon.

I hope someone stabs you in the eye.

Careful there Champ, we wouldn't want you to get so angry you suffer damage to both your brain cells.

I hope somebody helps you remove the plank from your eye.
That comment is as unsavory as any derogatory comment against them.

Please stop this Bucky, if you want to THINK you're Jewish, by all cannot offer the 'connection' unless you are blood..and you're not.

You are NOT part of the 'tribe' nor will ever be.

I'm not saying this to be mean, but it's like a smoker that quits..

I heart you Bucky:hug:..remember Schuylaar told's the electric they're coming in on.

i'm mocking zeddd, the notorious neo-nazi, white supremacist, anti-semite.


smiling uncle this mandela lovers....
Since 1994 over 4000 white farmer families have been brutally raped, murdered and skinned alive and altogether 70 000 whites murdered by blacks in this Genocide being condoned by then president Mandela and the current ANC government, why doesn't the UN step in? Impose sanctions? Put Mandela on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity? Is there that much White Guilt that the world ignores this? Under Apartheid there were no such murders, government sanctioned murder or cruelty or inhumane conditions as the Boer Whites have had to suffer, If whites did this to non-whites or even whites doing it to whites the US and her allies would invade and save the population from being annihilated in this type of genocide!

u want the Jew connection....?