Ban white people

Wow. If a YT started a thread called ban all black people it would be racist. But you can and it's not racist ? Back to the question of logical thinking
For example Detroit's black votes ( Wayne county ) was down 80,000 votes. Michigan lost by less than 12,000 votes. 19 electorial points
My kind is equal treatment from one to another and own your actions. Don't run your mouth about me and no expect a response
I'm just glad I'm white af. Everything else is just gravy lmao.
So it's all good to talk shit about my race, but not yours. You sure have a sense of entitlement
Well since your race is a bunch of savages who went out and infected the world with terrible diseases, conquered, enslaved and continues to reap the benefits without ever having made significant cultural, gastronomical or other contributions, and created an economic system that is literally killing the planet, yeah fuck yt.

A few technological advances hardly compensates, since they were mainly made for first world profits and military advancements and have given very little back to the people who were robbed for so many generations in order to make it possible.
What is the #1 killer of young black males, other young black males Killing them of course. Is that YT fault, hmm. Who's getting the majority of welfare, blacks, hmmm. Who gets the first opertunity at schooling or jobs, blacks. You don't even go vote if it's not one of your own running, hmmm. Then whine with the election outcome later, hmmm. You burn and loot your own neighborhood when rioting, hmmm. Maybe it's an intelligence issue

what a stupid, shitty fucking post.