
Notes from last night:

Brady bunch TC level unlocked. I'm Marsha. I suck all the dudes off.

@srh88 we are really good at being youtube

@curious2garden impressive whine acrobats

@Karah who are you catfishing us for?

@ttystikk you look kinda like Fidel Castro (beard game solid)

@UncleBuck makes sophisticated noodle dishes and is very good at slurping them.

@Gary Goodson tell phil i won the twerk off. Obviously.

@Blue Wizard shaves all the hair on his body.

@neosapien lives north of SOMEWHERE.

@StonedFarmer More Cowbell!

@cannabineer what an icy, majestic bear.

I went to get more beer last night and ended up at my neighborhood bar/homeless shelter.

Notes from last night:

Brady bunch TC level unlocked. I'm Marsha. I suck all the dudes off.

@srh88 we are really good at being youtube

@curious2garden impressive whine acrobats

@Karah who are you catfishing us for?

@ttystikk you look kinda like Fidel Castro (beard game solid)

@UncleBuck makes sophisticated noodle dishes and is very good at slurping them.

@Gary Goodson tell phil i won the twerk off. Obviously.

@Blue Wizard shaves all the hair on his body.

@neosapien lives north of SOMEWHERE.

@StonedFarmer More Cowbell!

@cannabineer what an icy, majestic bear.

I went to get more beer last night and ended up at my neighborhood bar/homeless shelter.

You forgot my banana wiener
Notes from last night:

Brady bunch TC level unlocked. I'm Marsha. I suck all the dudes off.

@srh88 we are really good at being youtube

@curious2garden impressive whine acrobats

@Karah who are you catfishing us for?

@ttystikk you look kinda like Fidel Castro (beard game solid)

@UncleBuck makes sophisticated noodle dishes and is very good at slurping them.

@Gary Goodson tell phil i won the twerk off. Obviously.

@Blue Wizard shaves all the hair on his body.

@neosapien lives north of SOMEWHERE.

@StonedFarmer More Cowbell!

@cannabineer what an icy, majestic bear.

I went to get more beer last night and ended up at my neighborhood bar/homeless shelter.

tldr: gary is eating ass and kickin pussy
Notes from last night:

Brady bunch TC level unlocked. I'm Marsha. I suck all the dudes off.

@srh88 we are really good at being youtube

@curious2garden impressive whine acrobats

@Karah who are you catfishing us for?

@ttystikk you look kinda like Fidel Castro (beard game solid)

@UncleBuck makes sophisticated noodle dishes and is very good at slurping them.

@Gary Goodson tell phil i won the twerk off. Obviously.

@Blue Wizard shaves all the hair on his body.

@neosapien lives north of SOMEWHERE.

@StonedFarmer More Cowbell!

@cannabineer what an icy, majestic bear.

I went to get more beer last night and ended up at my neighborhood bar/homeless shelter.


Had to look this up....

"Catfish is someone who pretends to be someone they're not using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances.
Did you hear how Dave got totally catfished last month?! The fox he thought he was talking to turned out to be a pervy guy from San Diego!
I was really falling for that gorgeous gal on Facebook, but she turned out to be a catfish."

Uh-oh....tsk tsk tsk....
I remember:
@Gary Goodson was the perfect host (as usual)
@cannabineer made me drink his 4 buck bottle of wine on camera
@UncleBuck peeing like a boss and majestic noodle suckage
@Singlemalt gracing us with his sober presence
@neosapien discovered electricity
@StonedFarmer was the least impaired!
@Bob Zmuda came in twerking
@srh88 started on the floor and worked his way up
@ttystikk looks like my best friend's husband!
@Blue Wizard was a luscious blonde

@Indacouch and @Hookabelly were notable for their absence

Phil never gave me the lowdown on his peculiar cloning practices and I missed the twerk off!
I did not hurl in my bra! In fact I did not hurl at all AND I ate 1/2 jar of Martini olives with a side of blue cheese for dinner.

I'm going to hear a band at the Legion tonight. Now that I figured out how to send sound I'll phone in from the remote location! Did anyone check if all music was still broken?