Trump supporters go away!


Well-Known Member
Not so sure myself. I admit she looks uncomfortably comfortable, but something tells me she is not a happy woman right now. I am speculating, I know. It would not surprise me in the least if she is behaving like the White House cat all day long. It's an insane couple of photos.
at this point in the obama administration, racist impotent fucktards like spaghetti noodle were calling michelle classless because she wore a sleeveless dress.

fast forward, we have a sewer rat jamming her stanky rancid feet into the white house furniture.

there will be radio silence.


Well-Known Member
The only good republican, is a DEAD republican. There, I said it. I mean it.
Republicans for the most part are wrong but not fundamentally bad people, we only hear about the lunatics.

The neo-Nazis that have moved in on it recently are a different story though.

My Great Grandpa fought in the war, killing Nazis used to be the All American thing to do and we excelled at it, he told me he knew he killed at least 50 (confirmed)...

Now they have their feet up in the White House.

What the fuck happened?