New Member
This is my first attempt to grow EVER. Did little research beyond basic growing stuff. Doing much more as I go along. Currently doing an indoor outdoor grow. Couldn't really find ANY information on this besides people saying it's a horrible idea but it seems to be working out pretty well for me. I have no clue what strains these are as they are simply bagseed that i got from my sister. Kept outside from sunrise(around 730ish) to sunset (530ish). Then i bring them inside and place them under some cheap cfls I bought at Wal-Mart for like $12 a piece until like 12. Then i let them rest. Ive seen better growth when i let them rest than putting them under light 24 hrs for some reason. Anyway started with 3 seeds but one showed to be a male about a week ago but the remaining two Im 90% sure are females. Now for the part im probably going to get shitted on for; im using the devil's soil miracle grow(blue bag).....i know i know im a noob. It was all i had in my garage at the time and i waa honestly to afraid to change it during my transfers. They seem to actually be taking pretty well to thia soil though. I honestly have only feed them twice. They will be 7 weeks this Saturday. Ive been doing some LST so they arent super tall. I fimmed them about two weeks ago as well. I plan on vegging them for at least another 2-3 weeks. Specifically because i would like to clone the larger one since its been so strong and easy to take care of. Any suggestions and tips would be great....and i can take a joke...pictures below