Company caught selling tainted marijuana can’t trace source of contamination


Well-Known Member
That was low. Shame on you to make fun of someone's medical situation @itsmehigh. We get dirty here but that was uncalled for and in the realm of " no go " to me anyway
Being sick is no joke hippy. It was said tongue in cheek. It's just something that makes me go hmmmm. Im no doctor but when Someone uses cannabis for 40 years, gets sick, then says cannabis cured them, it doesn't make sense. You would think that using cannabis for decades would prevent the sickness. No? Don't get me wrong I whole heartedly believe that cannabis saves lives, but it makes me wonder about some claims. I'm no fool, and I believe that a lot of people hide behind their pinks to get high. No offence to any patients. It just been my experience. I'm not afraid to say I use cannabis to get high, and don't need to hide behind a piece of paper. Not insinuating anybody here does that, not looking for a fight, just my opinion.



Well-Known Member
Being sick is no joke hippy. It was said tongue in cheek. It's just something that makes me go hmmmm. Im no doctor but when Someone uses cannabis for 40 years, gets sick, then says cannabis cured them, it doesn't make sense. You would think that using cannabis for decades would prevent the sickness. No? Don't get me wrong I whole heartedly believe that cannabis saves lives, but it makes me wonder about some claims. I'm no fool, and I believe that a lot of people hide behind their pinks to get high. No offence to any patients. It just been my experience. I'm not afraid to say I use cannabis to get high, and don't need to hide behind a piece of paper. Not insinuating anybody here does that, not looking for a fight, just my opinion.

I like the fact you show your ignorance every time you open your mouth.
I dont mind pointing that out either (:

The fact you think SMOKING POT can kill tumors?
All I gotta say is WOW... :-D

and I thought it was growing that you had troubles with,
You need some learnin ... :weed:

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Being sick is no joke hippy. It was said tongue in cheek. It's just something that makes me go hmmmm. Im no doctor but when Someone uses cannabis for 40 years, gets sick, then says cannabis cured them, it doesn't make sense. You would think that using cannabis for decades would prevent the sickness. No? Don't get me wrong I whole heartedly believe that cannabis saves lives, but it makes me wonder about some claims. I'm no fool, and I believe that a lot of people hide behind their pinks to get high. No offence to any patients. It just been my experience. I'm not afraid to say I use cannabis to get high, and don't need to hide behind a piece of paper. Not insinuating anybody here does that, not looking for a fight, just my opinion.

Ok..It's just that commenting on someone's health problems is off limits to me.


Well-Known Member
Studies??? Have you not read GB's posts? Proof is in the pudding......

Google scientific research cannabis and adulesent brain development, there's many studies. Problem is you can find any result you want to prove a point on the internet. Most cannabis studies are inconclusive and anecdotal. I was being cynical and obnoxious, with the remark. Honestly, I don't blame cannabis for GB's stupidity. Some people are just ..............

Early-onset cannabis use and cognitive deficits: what is the nature of the association?

  • Harrison G Pope Jr
  • Amanda J Gruber
  • James I Hudson
  • Geoffrey Cohane
  • Marilyn A Huestis
  • Deborah Yurgelun-Todd
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Background: Individuals who initiate cannabis use at an early age, when the brain is still developing, might be more vulnerable to lasting neuropsychological deficits than individuals who begin use later in life. Methods: We analyzed neuropsychological test results from 122 long-term heavy cannabis users and 87 comparison subjects with minimal cannabis exposure, all of whom had undergone a 28-day period of abstinence from cannabis, monitored by daily or every-other-day observed urine samples. We compared early-onset cannabis users with late-onset users and with controls, using linear regression controlling for age, sex, ethnicity, and attributes of family of origin. Results: The 69 early-onset users (who began smoking before age 17) differed significantly from both the 53 late-onset users (who began smoking at age 17 or later) and from the 87 controls on several measures, most notably verbal IQ (VIQ). Few differences were found between late-onset users and controls on the test battery. However, when we adjusted for VIQ, virtually all differences between early-onset users and controls on test measures ceased to be significant. Conclusions: Early-onset cannabis users exhibit poorer cognitive performance than late-onset users or control subjects, especially in VIQ, but the cause of this difference cannot be determined from our data. The difference may reflect (1) innate differences between groups in cognitive ability, antedating first cannabis use; (2) an actual neurotoxic effect of cannabis on the developing brain; or (3) poorer learning of conventional cognitive skills by young cannabis users who have eschewed academics and diverged from the mainstream culture.

I'm really curious how ethnicity plays into this....I've been smoking pot since before I was 17, and I don't think I'm lacking in VIQ...are the effects long term or permanent in those younger brains....I guess with all the eschewing of academics and divergence from mainstream have two college diplomas....I smoked a lot of pot in college, yet I couldn't manage a correspondence university course on morphine and I was an adult. I guess my point is they'll put YOUNG children on all kinds of shit that does far worse than cannabis ever will. I'm also not suggesting cannabis is for everyone rather that they shouldn't be bastardizing it without judging all the other pharma shit out there first.


Well-Known Member
I like the fact you show your ignorance every time you open your mouth.
I dont mind pointing that out either (:

The fact you think SMOKING POT can kill tumors?
All I gotta say is WOW... :-D

and I thought it was growing that you had troubles with,
You need some learnin ... :weed:
Really gb?


Well-Known Member

This site eliminates most paywalls

The problem with your quoted study like others is that it looks at a snapshot in time and does not look at other factors. This is why the twins study is so important and so well done/regarded by actual scientists, it was a 10 year study with a very large sample set (over 700 pairs of twins vs 209 total people). The most important excerpt from your study "but the cause of this difference cannot be determined from our data." They admit on page one that they can not link any difference to cannabis use yet this is the main study politicians with no science background or education use to prove it is harmful.

The reason I specifically asked for one that controls for other factors is because it is an absolute must for a valid study to be able to declare anything, this is first year science knowledge yet people ignore it just to get published. I also asked because I have and do occasionally still look for studies proving harms because knowing them is important to me. Everything has harms, anyone who thinks anything is harmless is incorrect (even water and oxygen can kill you), I strive to understand and minimize any harms from substances I use.


Well-Known Member
You would think that using cannabis for decades would prevent the sickness. No?
Seriously? Thats the WEAKEST logic Ive seen in ages, but nice try. Lets apply this logic shall we? Many people take vitamin C daily, does that mean theyll never get a cold? Or if they get one anyway does it negate its preventative uses? It can be used preventatively AND curatively. Funny how that works eh?


Well-Known Member
Seriously? Thats the WEAKEST logic Ive seen in ages, but nice try. Lets apply this logic shall we? Many people take vitamin C daily, does that mean theyll never get a cold? Or if they get one anyway does it negate its preventative uses? It can be used preventatively AND curatively. Funny how that works eh?
Vitamin C has been studied for many years as a possible treatment for colds, or as a way to help prevent colds. But findings have been inconsistent. Overall, experts have found little to no benefit from vitamin C for preventing or treating the common cold.



Well-Known Member
This site eliminates most paywalls

The problem with your quoted study like others is that it looks at a snapshot in time and does not look at other factors. This is why the twins study is so important and so well done/regarded by actual scientists, it was a 10 year study with a very large sample set (over 700 pairs of twins vs 209 total people). The most important excerpt from your study "but the cause of this difference cannot be determined from our data." They admit on page one that they can not link any difference to cannabis use yet this is the main study politicians with no science background or education use to prove it is harmful.

The reason I specifically asked for one that controls for other factors is because it is an absolute must for a valid study to be able to declare anything, this is first year science knowledge yet people ignore it just to get published. I also asked because I have and do occasionally still look for studies proving harms because knowing them is important to me. Everything has harms, anyone who thinks anything is harmless is incorrect (even water and oxygen can kill you), I strive to understand and minimize any harms from substances I use.
Knowledge is power..... kudos to you on educating yourself.



Well-Known Member
Vitamin C has been studied for many years as a possible treatment for colds, or as a way to help prevent colds. But findings have been inconsistent. Overall, experts have found little to no benefit from vitamin C for preventing or treating the common cold.

Really, thatd be false as Vitamin C is an anti oxidant. Which explains its help in cold prevention among other things.Thanks though :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I like the fact you show your ignorance every time you open your mouth.
I dont mind pointing that out either (:

The fact you think SMOKING POT can kill tumors?
All I gotta say is WOW... :-D

and I thought it was growing that you had troubles with,
You need some learnin ... :weed:
Educate me, so smoking cannabis has no medicinal properties on fighting cancer? I'm serious, link me to your source on the effectiveness of smoking vs consumption. What's the difference of eating 1000mg vs vaping 1000mg? Eating it is more of a time release, while smoking in instant and more concentrated. Tell me oh wise one.



Well-Known Member
Educate me, so smoking cannabis has no medicinal properties on fighting cancer? I'm serious, link me to your source on the effectiveness of smoking vs consumption. What's the difference of eating 1000mg vs vaping 1000mg? Eating it is more of a time release, while smoking in instant and more concentrated. Tell me oh wise one.

huge difference, if you start reading might be able to pull your feet out of your ass.

if you dont know the difference between ingesting and vaping. You are even less intelligent than I thought.
Sorry dude,,,you're beyond my help. or anyone elses


Well-Known Member
Really, thatd be false as Vitamin C is an anti oxidant. Which explains its help in cold prevention among other things.Thanks though :blsmoke:
Link your scientific source, educate me on the common cold. Far as I can tell from reading medical journals, is that vitamin c "may" help in the duration of the cold. Key word is "may" help. There's been no conclusive data to support the claim that it prevents or treats the common cold. It's been studied for decades, with no concrete proof.



Well-Known Member
huge difference, if you start reading might be able to pull your feet out of your ass.

if you dont know the difference between ingesting and vaping. You are even less intelligent than I thought.
Sorry dude,,,your beyond my help.
More fluff, same old bs, talk the talk. Spill the beans, educate me.



Well-Known Member
what part about..." beyond help " did you miss?

I like helping others.
You like taking from them, in return.

There s a huge difference there but IM sure you cant see it..

Lesson number ? for the day.... (:


Well-Known Member
Edibles may be strong, but compared to inhaled cannabis, they actually deliver a smaller concentration of cannabinoids to the bloodstream. Ingesting edibles introduces only 10 to 20 percent of THC and other cannabinoids to the blood plasma, whereas inhaled cannabis falls closer to 50 or 60 percent. The effects of smoked cannabis tend to peak within the first 10 minutes and rapidly dissipate over the next 30 to 60 minutes.

With this being said, you get a higher level of cannibinoids in you blood stream from smoking than eating.



Well-Known Member
what part about..." beyond help " did you miss?

I like helping others.
You like taking from them, in return.

There s a huge difference there but IM sure you cant see it..

Lesson number ? for the day.... (:
This is a public forum, your helping us all just not me. Spread your knowlage to the masses.
