Trump is losing his shit.

And look. She's on a flight, has newspapers spread out, a book in her lap and her phone in action. She reads, communicates and multitasks. She's so much better than that orange POS.

(By the way, that's a remarkable pic. Thanks for posting it!)

It's a staged photo. FAKE news.
Fake news! photoshopped! conspiracy! bugged by the muslim Obama!
I listen to Alex Jones every morning-I know what's going on!
I'm the greatest president ever! Reagan approves of me! Crooked hillary! witchhunt!

She is on her phone, reading a book and several news papers all at the same time? Staged photo.
TRump's daddy was successful at being corrupt.
Donnie's even more corrupt but not very successful.
Sick, draft dodging bastad stands on an aircraft carrier in military regalia with a big smug smile
as he spews nonsense for applause. Who is he fooling?
Where's the secret plan to destroy ISIS in 30 days?
Wheres your fucking taxes Donnie, you liar!?