Trump is losing his shit.

Man... youre right about that. Rightwing propaganda is out there and has been for a long time.
And when you mix far-right politics with the crazy conspiracy shit & religion, truth becomes irrelavant.
Thanks to Alex Jones and that crowd....
Thats why we must work with moderate and swing type voters. No amount of logic, proof, reason, science will waiver them an inch from beleifs no one with any critical thinking skills could hold. Hell at this point im unsure if Christ came back in person IF he could convince the strong supporters of a thing. they would crucify him all over again..
Thats why we must work with moderate and swing type voters. No amount of logic, proof, reason, science will waiver them an inch from beleifs no one with any critical thinking skills could hold. Hell at this point im unsure if Christ came back in person IF he could convince the strong supporters of a thing. they would crucify him all over again..
Lol... I think you nailed it. These are the same people who nailed up their own saviour.
I couldnt agree more and its terrifying. It reminds me of doublespeak if anyone has ever read 1984 by Orwell. Iv spoken similarly on other threads but this is not a new phenomenon this shit is a culmination of a couple decades of grooming... the right has been grooming its supporters for years. It started w talk radio personalities pushing truth bit by bit and writing books to do the same. Then came fox and breitbart type crap. They turned average conservatives into sheep. They turned the masses into a bull with a ring its nose that they lead almost effortlessly...

The scary part is i think they have gotten to the point that there truly may be no line trump n gang can cross that would offend the masses of supporters. Truest thing ol Trumpy ever said was he could shoot someone on the street and lose no support.

Strap in freedom lovers this going to be a wild ride... resist, in everyway you can. And remember we are in for a marathon, we must not weary until our republic is no longer in the hands of those who desire autocracy....

And the older name is: gaslighting

This tactic has been around for a long, long time but then again so have lo-info voters that will gobble it just know now how large the masses through social media.
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