In all seriousness, it is a spooky thought to consider a literal squadron of those swarming down upon a target.It looks pretty expensive
to blow it up
but the Russian blows a lot of shit up
FPSRussia has always dealt with real weapons from what I have seen.
FPSRussia has always dealt with real weapons from what I have seen.
Luckily we are a superpower
Luckily we are a superpower
if isis had this capability
we would all be fucked
Luckily we are a superpower
if isis had this capability
we would all be fucked
Its true about isisyour mental disability shines through in every single post you make.
Its true about isis
Want to vacation in Allepo this year?
I'm buyin!
Nope Buckold.
You're threatened "investigation" of me or my lifestyle exists only in the sad empty space between your ears, or were you at a loss and looked around where you are.
Either way.... round trip tickets, a deluxe yurt of your choice, REAL ethnic food surrounded by people who approve of your life style choices, etc.
How can such a diverse (as in avidly supporting diversity, which is interestingly derived from divert) individual as yourself doesn't leap at the chance to go over and rescue some refugee to bring home and support.
It's your wet dream.
Why won't you except my offer of an all expense paid trip to be amongst the misunderstood freedom fighters and citizens of Syria?
Are you afraid of brown people?