You Fucking "White People" what the fuck have you all ever done for mankind, humankind ?
Thuggery and racism is about all, nothing but a bunch of fucking arseholes descendant from Romans
White people ended slavery. The Arabs, blacks and Spanish were the biggest slave traders.
The only countries that allow Transgender freaks in the military are white liberal countries.
Only people on this forum hung up on racism are white liberal morons.
If you ever met a black person in real life they would kick your ass, you gay nerd. Lol
That's not cool I love mayonnaise got to be Hellman's though.Like all the mayonnaise should just be poisoned or something.
That's not cool I love mayonnaise got to be Hellman's though.
You don't? Can't make deviled eggs or macaroni salad let alone a tuna samich. Can't forget tater salad.Of course you do...
You don't? Can't make deviled eggs or macaroni salad let alone a tuna samich. Can't forget tater salad.
I do like fried chicken too.
Why do you reply to every single post? Of course I'm going to keep grazing you with my presence you're one of my most loyal fans.Why are you such an attention whore, pedophile?
Oh cum on, it was a simple mistake I thought it didn't look right but it popped up on the auto correct thing."Grazing you"! LOL! It's "gracing you", you goddamned moron. Of course you would think of grazing, you fat cow.
Fat & stupid. Thank gawd I'm not you.
I might have to take it off ignore and join in on ridiculing it."Grazing you"! LOL! It's "gracing you", you goddamned moron. Of course you would think of grazing, you fat cow.
Fat & stupid. Thank gawd I'm not you.
Oh cum on, it was a simple mistake I thought it didn't look right but it popped up on the auto correct thing.
I might have to take it off ignore and join in on ridiculing it.
By all means but you will lose the war young grasshopper.I might have to take it off ignore and join in on ridiculing it.
You know fuck-all about war, kiddo.By all means but you will lose the war young grasshopper.
I do know a bit I've read about all kinds of wars BC era where some of the best.You know fuck-all about war, kiddo.
You have the mind of a 12 year old.I do know a bit I've read about all kinds of wars...