New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

I pulled this plant out of my tent. Chopping it up today. Anyone have a good hash recipe?


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Wilma seemed to fare the low temp just fine. I think she really likes the 2 42w cfl's instead of the 23's. I think I will keep them in there with the Mars 300 LED. Day 18 and growth is really going fast now, every day I see so many changes! Soil is STILL registering a little moist about half way down pot. WTF? It has been 6 days. I think I over-watered last time. Will wait another day and check it again, but mommy does notice a tiny "droop" in her leaves. Still undecided about adding a little grow big in her next water.... Im so afraid to hurt her. Your thoughts?


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Is all hash, bubble hash? Should I even make hash if I am making canna butter? Didn't expect to have to know this for weeks. I know, newbie questions but this is still the newbie forum, right?

Ask away my friend, I know I do! ha ha. Great group here ~unlike other threads and/or forums where you will get ripped up and down. (been there, dont like) How else do we learn, right? I have the funny feeling cannabis growing is a never ending learning experience :-)
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Is all hash, bubble hash? Should I even make hash if I am making canna butter? Didn't expect to have to know this for weeks. I know, newbie questions but this is still the newbie forum, right?
Just spend a few days on YouTube and you will see every method used, including Afghan Village hash.

Bubble hash, dry ice hash, sifted hash, kief, finger hash........

I haven't made any, but the info is out there if you are a compulsive learner....
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I know you experienced Growers have seen this before but it makes me sad. Britney turned out to be Bob. Bob is now a pile of sticks on the floor. He was the runt of the batch but he was 60 days old.

I figure I will let my wife cook with Bob's leaves. Maybe that way, when I harvest the beautiful trichomes I have on my autos, I can use it to make bubble hash.


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@Rahz has done some testing recently and the plants responded best to this spectrum. His is not the only evidence pointing in this direction.
I just spent the last hour reading that thread. (Light science is new to me and I read everything to try and make sure I understand it) it really looks like the experiment was run poorly and the results should be looked into more, but not taken as fact. Overlapping plants and lights and such. Also, I didn't see, but were the seedlings compared to make sure the starters were all the same(ish)? I'm not saying this can't be right, but I know people complain about the blurples for the same type of testing.
That being said, I'm really interested in your run of testing. Once I get a little more $$$ I will likely run an experiment or two, since I have the space.
Also, the talk about 10% white / 90% red spectrum sounds crazy, but also super interesting. for anyone that wants to hurt their brain.
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Wilma seemed to fare the low temp just fine. I think she really likes the 2 42w cfl's instead of the 23's. I think I will keep them in there with the Mars 300 LED. Day 18 and growth is really going fast now, every day I see so many changes! Soil is STILL registering a little moist about half way down pot. WTF? It has been 6 days. I think I over-watered last time. Will wait another day and check it again, but mommy does notice a tiny "droop" in her leaves. Still undecided about adding a little grow big in her next water.... Im so afraid to hurt her. Your thoughts?
I recommend you let the pot get light before watering again, as it encourages root growth.

A bigger root ball can take up nutrients better.
Ask away my friend, I know I do! ha ha. Great group here ~unlike other threads and/or forums where you will get ripped up and down. (been there, dont like) How else do we learn, right? I have the funny feeling cannabis growing is a never ending learning experience :-)

If growing Cannabis weren't a never ending learning experience, I'd have gotten bored and moved on long ago.
Ya well I've been running dry nutrient salts for nigh onto a decade now, and they're the same thing.
Could you give us a run down of what you use? It's seems super viable and WAY cheaper, but it's new and scary for us new people. Money we are spending on this could easily be spent on improving our grows in other areas.

In general I'm hemming and hawing about buying nutrients, because I want to buy something effective, but NEEDING to cost/benefit analysis and overthinking and my general newbness makes the decision nigh impossible. I've just been using FF because it's cheap and easy. (just like me)
Let's put way cheaper into perspective. For my puny 3x3 grow, it will probably take me 3 years to use a quart size set of nutes.

So maybe I can save 50% (of $50) and have enough salts for 10 years, but in the end it costs me more in time than it saves me in money.

Sure, if you are a production grower it makes sense, but it's not for everyone.

Just my perpsective. Ymwv.
Could you give us a run down of what you use? It's seems super viable and WAY cheaper, but it's new and scary for us new people. Money we are spending on this could easily be spent on improving our grows in other areas.

In general I'm hemming and hawing about buying nutrients, because I want to buy something effective, but NEEDING to cost/benefit analysis and overthinking and my general newbness makes the decision nigh impossible. I've just been using FF because it's cheap and easy. (just like me)
I use a dry mix that's 5-11-26 plus micros, plus calcium nitrate, epsom salt and MKP.

It's a huge money saver over time. It's more worthwhile the bigger your garden is.