Make it rain technique ?

If you were experienced and knowledgeable as you say or actually read his stuff you would know he has plant stunting techniques and additives. His flowers are very stressed and purpling and yellowing very early and make frost like any stressed plant but with no real potency or canabanoid profile.

I gotta say that the no terp profile, does disturb me some.. I'll guess you read the thread by the fellow on his site about terp's and potency? I do agree with that thread....Man, I got stink in mine....I've never attempted do do anything with that but, increase it.

And I never said an s-1 seed can't hermie. I said an s-1 is not an identical copy automatically and the only place I ever read such a rediculous myth was on riddlers private website.

I don't think S1's can't herm either! I hope I never typed that....I'd be wrong.
My saying "identical" ..... I'll admit that isn't the best wording I used on that ideal - you're on there.
I still stick with the no 100% females from fem seeds - but we did that, been there, and agree on that one.

Only frauds and people invested seem to have a problem with my views.

Which one are you?

I don't have a "problem with your views". I don't really have a "problem" with riddle's views. He spent time doing his research to find his answers. I may not agree with all his views/findings....But I don't go out of my way to bring up those I disagree with.
I do respect the time he put in to do what he believes in!
I also understand he's not in it for growing meds...Both of us part ways with him there...You and I are not the only one's on his site that don't believe or condone MIR...

He dug up a 7 year old thread to cry about an 8 month old issue and I got owned,LMFAO, you're funny dude, and i bet you're from michigan too

No as usual. I clicked on a new post in the new posts list to see what noob was buying into the silly old rid stuff.

And I am not from Michigan. But I bet you just pissed off a lot of good people.

You might want to stop posting. I make more friends insulting idiots than you do defending them.
No as usual. I clicked on a new post in the new posts list to see what noob was buying into the silly old rid stuff.

And I am not from Michigan. But I bet you just pissed off a lot of good people.

You might want to stop posting. I make more friends insulting idiots than you do defending them.
you NEED friends, let's get that straight. and I was saying that because of the way he jumped on your nut and the way you enjoyed it. It wasn't a dis at michigan, but it's nice to see you're defensive about it,lol
His weed tested poorly with me and a third party group. I took a ton of shit about him and his quality. He deserves to have the truth told. Are you invested in him too? Because your posts show proper gardening knowledge.
Why did your buddy email rid wanting more of his weed?

I think you are butt hurt.

Oh and I don't always agree with rid. the make it rain thing sounds silly to me.

Christ dude. Let it go.
I can and have shown a plant grown to great potential every week. I have only seen one photo repeatedly from you in the 9 months I have been here. I now ask you to prove yourself doc. A current picture of a current grow would be nice.

I'm still not the most comfortable with picture's... but, I'll drop some new one's in per your request. Maybe later today but, I have a busy day after lights on and watering....I'll post here. be patient, ok?

I'm taking the time out to actually do as you challenged. Taken today - 11:59 - moments before lights on.

91 Chemdog (I'll never loose this strain)

Nother main, same plant

This is the Russian Lemon cake - I built this strain. This plant is weeks behind the next pics - same strain. ALL pics taken today.
Russian Lemon Cake - Almost there- days away. side branch at 6ft.

Lower side branch - same plant

The room simply REEKS of grape/berry from the Russian Lemon cake! I have yet to smoke this strain - first run for pheno's....I'm liking the trich coverage - underside of bud

I don't expect this to be stupid potent...Not what I was looking to do.....Low 20's, like 22- 24+,,,,maybe a more potent pheno in the group...We'll see...
Last edited:
He has said he does a new coco/litter mix too.

You have my attention on the whole issue....It now Intrigues me about why so many would comment on how strong Rid's meds are after visiting. Some of these people are growing fire and when they comment on how fucked up they were on leaving....well it gets interesting.....Considering who some of them are here.

Do you have those test report's still? I'd be interested in seeing those (NOT a challenge.)

I did read the stuff by Ben (over there). I liked the opposing views. I must admit, I was interested in seeing more over there. I'm not about to give glowing reports but, not going to slam the man for his views either.....I also must say, I don't use anything, many of them do either, other then UVB supplementation and P sulfate use. I grow organic home built soils and sure ain't changing anytime soon. I like my results.....tupor? Not for me.....

I'm far more intrigued by what friends using Botanicare's KIND are doing over the Single nutrient thing.....I know your a "Pro" line guy right? Another good one...Personally, I'm not impressed with my experimenting with Foliage pro in the past.

Now then, With a big sigh, I'll say I have posted more then 1 set of pictures here and it wasn't 9 months ago I began using the one - GG4 right?

Anyway. I had pic's of my new grow building in here before you even showed up - look for them. It took me several years just to get comfortable enough to even post any pictures. I still struggle with it at times. Once I do, I'm proud as anyone and I'll reuse them.
How about the pic's of my son's strain he working? How about pic's of my new one? Didn't see them?
If you didn't, it's not my fault, nor my problem....

I'm still not the most comfortable with picture's... but, I'll drop some new one's in per your request. Maybe later today but, I have a busy day after lights on and watering....I'll post here. be patient, ok?

I guess I've become tired of personal attack's. Kinda makes the attacker look "off" too...I thought you seemed better then that (NO offence intended). I sure find nothing bad to say about your plants. I prefer large plants but, that has nothing to do with how nice yours look eh?

I'm still looking forward to going out to meet Rid. Until then, I'll stay mum about his potency....Your right, I need personal experience on that....Maybe we should meet and compare some of ours? We are in the same state. Up to you.....I still respect ya.

OH, BTW the -
Has some of my work in it.
Newer stuff on the 9 or 10 page.

The first post was a high CBD strain, built for the shops....I lost all that in last years cop infestation.....

PEACE for now - 8)
Makes me wonder also. a lot of fire growers here talking about how fucked up they were leaving rids house. I just popped some ctf. We shall see.

I saw the emails from mimed friend to rid. I personally think dudes friend likes rm3 weed better and he is butt hurt about it.

I will say one thing about cannabis roots. It is a tap root. It develops secondary roots and a third set of roots. Those secondary roots grow horizontal and are for the sole purpose of run off rain water. I don't feel like digging up the study again. all this was brought up in an argument about if cannabis has a tap root or fibrous root system. @greasemonkeymann :wink:
He has said he does a new coco/litter mix too.

You have my attention on the whole issue....It now Intrigues me about why so many would comment on how strong Rid's meds are after visiting. Some of these people are growing fire and when they comment on how fucked up they were on leaving....well it gets interesting.....Considering who some of them are here.

Do you have those test report's still? I'd be interested in seeing those (NOT a challenge.)

I did read the stuff by Ben (over there). I liked the opposing views. I must admit, I was interested in seeing more over there. I'm not about to give glowing reports but, not going to slam the man for his views either.....I also must say, I don't use anything, many of them do either, other then UVB supplementation and P sulfate use. I grow organic home built soils and sure ain't changing anytime soon. I like my results.....tupor? Not for me.....

I'm far more intrigued by what friends using Botanicare's KIND are doing over the Single nutrient thing.....I know your a "Pro" line guy right? Another good one...Personally, I'm not impressed with my experimenting with Foliage pro in the past.

Now then, With a big sigh, I'll say I have posted more then 1 set of pictures here and it wasn't 9 months ago I began using the one - GG4 right?

Anyway. I had pic's of my new grow building in here before you even showed up - look for them. It took me several years just to get comfortable enough to even post any pictures. I still struggle with it at times. Once I do, I'm proud as anyone and I'll reuse them.
How about the pic's of my son's strain he working? How about pic's of my new one? Didn't see them?
If you didn't, it's not my fault, nor my problem....

I'm still not the most comfortable with picture's... but, I'll drop some new one's in per your request. Maybe later today but, I have a busy day after lights on and watering....I'll post here. be patient, ok?

I guess I've become tired of personal attack's. Kinda makes the attacker look "off" too...I thought you seemed better then that (NO offence intended). I sure find nothing bad to say about your plants. I prefer large plants but, that has nothing to do with how nice yours look eh?

I'm still looking forward to going out to meet Rid. Until then, I'll stay mum about his potency....Your right, I need personal experience on that....Maybe we should meet and compare some of ours? We are in the same state. Up to you.....I still respect ya.

OH, BTW the -
Has some of my work in it.
Newer stuff on the 9 or 10 page.

The first post was a high CBD strain, built for the shops....I lost all that in last years cop infestation.....

PEACE for now - 8)

Yeah. Those are the pics I have seen from you. I look forward to seeing your gardens if possible.

The report on CTF and 4 other joints that were given to my old friend and reported to me and rid said simply the weed was "heady" and he was able to focus and do creative things on it. And he said the cob slice he was given was delicious.

I never said no terps. I said low on cannabanoids.

He also said the heady buzz lasted a couple of hours. He told me later that was a bit exaggerated.

He also asked for some more for further testing as moods and environment can effect results but rid never responded. (He will only consider and show exemplary reports).

He also said and I quote "I don't think (insert Rm3 real name) and his customers are like us."

And he means a serious and lifetime long history of drug use. And I mean we used to trip and do drugs constantly back in the 80's and 90's. Even during my career running franchise car dealership used car departments. And we still have higher tolerance than most we meet. And he is still working at a ski resort and single at our age.

In other words. He thought rid was a lightweight. Almost a strait edge.

Rid explained his use of cannabis on his website. It's 1 joint in 3 portions while he watches tv at night.

He would only need a toke of top shelf weed to put him in orbit. And I suspect the same of most of the user reviews of his stuff.

My friend also noted that when I was brought up in conversation rid was very irritated and the conversation had to be about riddler or he was annoyed and dis- interested. He told him I learned to play guitar well in 3 years (my friend is a performing musician). Rid must struggle with that too as he got annoyed again. He figured rid liked me. That apparently was not the case. I had a very active and liked even by him journal at at the time.

Please remember. I sent my friend to Rm3 for help with tinnitus.

It did not help my friends tinnitus. It also did not help the nerve pain and stiffness he suffers from. It didn't give him a body high at all. Just a light head high.

I was mad at Rm3 because I challenged his excellence and his ego by private message. He insulted me rather than answer any point I made and when I responded in anger to his insults he shared my angry private message with a member of his forum and then that all bloomed into what happened here.

I don't forgive or trust rats doc. He can not be trusted. Even if I am the only one who challenged and rattled him. I'm not though. There are plenty even in his communityand here that don't really like him.

I will post the report of my 3 strains from the patient. I was not going to as he is my friend but I have not seen him in many years. And I sent the meds in hope they would help. Not to feed my ego. I had hoped Rm3 had already helped him since he is so proven and credible supposedly.

You don't know me but I hope you can see I am a straight shooter with no agenda to fill. I was just disrespected and that pisses me off.

My friend in Colorado is a true sweetheart of a person. Honest and giving and has some serious nerve damage from an old snowboard accident.

He is also super nice to people. I am a bit more straitfoward. Lol.

Anyway. I was not trying to feed my ego and only the subject of this thread made me mention all this again.

So I will copy the text from the emailing received and post next.

The strains are Black Widow x Blue Lemon Thai. 2 phenos.

And he labels the third one as a BW cross but it is actually a Blue Lemon Thai #4 from a seed pack. He was stoned on coconut oil and weed when he reported I think. He spent the week testing all the ways he utilizes marijuana. He is perscribed cbd oil by his doctor. He smokes and eats weed daily.

He even sent me money "to further the cause" he said. But I tore up the check as I had gifted the meds and asked for nothing in return. It was way too much money anyway. The check was all I needed to know I had grown my seeds to potential. He wants me to continue my work. And he wanted to contribute.

Also. The Breeder of these strains suffers advanced ms. He still manages to care for hundreds of plants every day even though he spends much of the rest of his time disabled and in severe pain.

He knows medical marijuana. It enables him to live. He was there in 1996 in Mendocino with the first medical clones grown under the new med laws. Breeding serious meds from the amazing California skunk plants we all love and miss. And the clones from Max and Ed. He has worked with the best classic breeders for many years. He just hates the sales part of business. And he was not very good at it. But his genetics are the best I can find so far. Fully medical but never sleepy until you use too much. Perfect. Took a bit of time to learn to grow them to potential. He even improves stuff from Mota and Shanti. And obviously knows who has quality plants to work with.

I am comparing them to many different breeders strains all year and will continue. Many are s-1's of riddler community favorites. The seeds traded and gifted to rids community have gone to waste for the most part. They won't plant them to see. I was serious about this. They don't want to learn. Just pat each other on the back and pretend they and what they have is the best without even searching further. The classic headband pheno is one of their prized favorites. It and and the Dinachem I grew can't compete. Blue Dream and deadhead OG are flowering now. I have many more seeds from all over now.

I will copy and post the long review next.

Sorry for posting in this necro'd thread. But it is requested. And someone should post the truth now that real information about growing pot and genetics is easily available now. The forum "experts" rely on the old lack of info to sound knowledgeable. We know better now.
Why did your buddy email rid wanting more of his weed?

I think you are butt hurt.

Oh and I don't always agree with rid. the make it rain thing sounds silly to me.

Christ dude. Let it go.

I wrote 1 post and was alerted for all the rest of the responses. I will answer if asked.
I'm taking the time out to actually do as you challenged. Taken today - 11:59 - moments before lights on.

91 Chemdog (I'll never loose this strain)
View attachment 3901508

Nother main, same plant
View attachment 3901509

This is the Russian Lemon cake - I built this strain. This plant is weeks behind the next pics - same strain. ALL pics taken today.
View attachment 3901510
Russian Lemon Cake - Almost there- days away. side branch at 6ft.
View attachment 3901511

Lower side branch - same plant
View attachment 3901513

The room simply REEKS of grape/berry from the Russian Lemon cake! I have yet to smoke this strain - first run for pheno's....I'm liking the trich coverage - underside of bud

I don't expect this to be stupid potent...Not what I was looking to do.....Low 20's, like 22- 24+,,,,maybe a more potent pheno in the group...We'll see...

Nice doc. Thank you.
I wrote 1 post and was alerted for all the rest of the responses. I will answer if asked.
Now you back track. Thought you really had the pot tested. Biased friends don't count. Was it a blind test? Doubt it.

You are way too butt hurt over this. The very friend you are talking about is a return customer of rm3.

How do you explain serious heads here claiming is product to be fire? What do they gain from it? Nothing is what.

We will see. I popped 2 each of several of his strains.
Here is the report on the 3 strains and coconut oil from my garden.

Having now sampled all three, I must say...they are all amazing !!! From Snowboarding, playing Guitar to Video Games and Hikes in the Snow...these Greens were a perfect addition to all. Just a few puffs of either sufficed me for hours. Each were cured to perfection and tasted Fantastique !!! None made me tired unless I purposely puffed enough to do so.
BW BLT 6 Tastes most like the Oil. Another fine CBD/TGC combo. Quite smooth to smoke. Long lasting high...hitting the Mind harder than the body. Still an energetic High, not a downer one. Zones ypu IN...not OUT :)
BW BLT 5 Lost time on this one. Hard to explain really. Imagine watching a Tv show..then.the commercial comes zone out...then when the show is like it never went to commercial. I know....that makes no sense. Playing Guitar on this one...was a pleasure...zoned right into it fliuidly. Played for well over 2-hours straight for the first time in a while. Have been battling recent Nerve damage and am currently still in P-therapy. CBDs were recommended by both of my Neurologists and my P-Therapist to help heal the Nerve damage and possible pains of healing. A year ago I could not strum a chord...the other day...I played for hours :) I do believe...puffing this plant..and the BLT 4 as well...aided in my ability to play that long.
BW BLT 4 Possibly my favourite. Truly a whole body/head high...but a very natural one. I rode my board down the Mtn on this one a few days. Energy and Response time remained normal to above normal. I say above normal because of the body high. Any pain I may normally sense...due to some past notable injuries...was non existent, extending my time out. One day I did over 34,000 vert feet...That is a good amount !!! Playing Destiny on a Xbox...was awesome...sound and video def enhanced. Reaction time...still at or above normal. No focus lost. I believe all of this is due to the proper mix of CBD/THC within the plant. Making a Salad of all 3...Super tasty...and hits fast. The combo again gives a very natural Long lasting high. So natural, that you can forget you are high...but you are :) Just a few puffs lasts for hours. Puffing after eating some Oil...a pleasure. The Oil seemed to enhance my high in length and potency. It compliments the Greens very very well. I experienced no official hallucinations..but Trails, lost time, and full comfort of the body and mind. Enhanced visuals and hearing were produced by all three...and more so when combined with the oil. I also have been dealing with Tinnitus for many years now. Tried many so called remidies...including others Greens...none worked. After puffing these Greens and using some of the oil for now 3-weeks...I can honestly say that the Tinnitus is far more under control than ever before. I can not say weed is a cure for Tinnitus...but will say these strains did lessen the occurrence and impact of the ringing in my ears...notably. My theory...the proper mix of CBD and THC. The greens that have been given to me from Dispensaries...did nothing for my Tinnitus...they were potent...but do not last nearly as long...and tend to get me tired. All in all...I am very impressed with these Strains and the Fantastique Grow...that brought them to life. Long lasting, Super Smooth, No Tired outcomes, Enhanced Senses...and yes...Tinnitus...far lessened than ever before.