Club 600

Interesting fact. About 80% plus of the US population are not really vaccinated. They may have been at one time. But a majority of adults are really not. It's also very curious that they make so much money off of vaccines, especially since they are not any guarantee at all. Plus makers of vaccines cannot be sued for damages when it fucks you up.

There is something to be said for building immunity naturally in a majority of cases

The measel outbreak at Disney were vacinated children...
Absolutely. Building resistance....This is the Dutch ethos as well. If the child is happy they tend not to prescribe anything (so if your child is at all a smiley one he's not getting nix prescribed. We have got antibiotics for our youngest but he was properly I'll. Our oldest has never had them.
Damn my alerts for the 600 club are not working again. Hello 600 Club how the hell is everyone! Its been a long month here, lots of changes and new stuff I got to get used to lol. Big thanks to senile fungus for the hookup on the cloner unit, saving my ass right now brother very much appreciated, we got hairs already on some stems so awesome. We will have to do another game night soon the 4th just didnt work out lol. MD
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Thank crunchy its Friday....just when you think you are finally getting on top of things, along come a government pension fund that wants backdated premiums for your employees for the last 6 years. It's only took them a year to establish that, and even though we approached them they come back at us like bam, take that mofos.....ah well, getting use to being bummed by the government.

On a positive note, chopping time for me though. Been more than 3 months since my last harvest since I was away for December. Have a good weekend folks, the sun is shining......
Thank crunchy its Friday....just when you think you are finally getting on top of things, along come a government pension fund that wants backdated premiums for your employees for the last 6 years. It's only took them a year to establish that, and even though we approached them they come back at us like bam, take that mofos.....ah well, getting use to being bummed by the government.

On a positive note, chopping time for me though. Been more than 3 months since my last harvest since I was away for December. Have a good weekend folks, the sun is shining......

I guess it doesn't matter where you live anymore the gov'mt is going to be up our arses.
Have a great weekend. ;-)
