Doc's Dank Seeds

Hi eveyone had to break down the grow the past few days and hide all my plants in the neighbors greenhouse for an " insurance inspection " that turned out to be a are you growing inspection. Shit whooped my ass and @Durzil came up Saturday and helped. Anyway I am going to start hunting a place closer to the grow and out of city limits. Looks like Springfield is going to be cracking down on grows in city limits this year. They are expecting to pass a new ordnance they they can come on private property if code violations or a danger to public safety are suspected. Fucking lame ass shit and I am not supposed to grow here to start with. Damn neighbor looks like is who is bringing the heat selling to college kids.[/Q
What about outdoors? There's a few of those in town.
@Dr.D81 Here's your Bear Creek Kush, she'll be going into flower this week. She's in a 15 gal pot, about 3.5' across, nice and level, she should crank out some nice buds. This is lights out so she's a little droopy. Looking forward to finishing her indoors. Love your gear, lots of your beans are up right now, images when they get a little bigger.

Top down
3-6 bck top.jpg

Side view
3-6 BCK side.jpg
its done when its done. I stopped counting weeks but most of mine go 8 weeks. every grow room is different. @Friction1957 in your new flower room I bet you cant take a strain that long as the intensity will make them finish faster plus you are doing gas lantern aren't you?

Yea, I'm gas lighting, and yes I suspect with these new rooms stuff will be shorter turns. Looking forward to finding out. I've got several things of Doc's going now, it'll be a good test.
Seriously. . What next. You have the attitude to beat anything Doc....but here's hoping
for a little more good luck!

Looks like buying a house in Lancaster is whats next. Don the land owner for the rec grow has a sister in law with a place and a old man with a place on two acres we are going to go look at. It helps I know him through the only people ( my bosses) that have not fucked or straight robbed them. Also I bought them out of most everything they had the other day 5lb and laid cash out like Abe and Riley do.
I am noticing that anything with Dr
Looks like buying a house in Lancaster is whats next. Don the land owner for the rec grow has a sister in law with a place and a old man with a place on two acres we are going to go look at. It helps I know him through the only people ( my bosses) that have not fucked or straight robbed them. Also I bought them out of most everything they had the other day 5lb and laid cash out like Abe and Riley do.
I know this Doc is like a rubber ball. you can throw him but he will bounce till he finds a place to be. His energy is allot better now and he is going where he needs to go. See brother you wanted and really needed to be closer to work and your energy is pushing it that way. You know every time I am around you your energy is amplified big time. I think this is a positive for you brother, Sure the drive to our mountain will be more but we got your back there. Maybe I should say @natro.hydro has our backs till I get there full time. Much love and respect Doc. How can we bottle his energy? we could be billionaires overnight with bottles of his energy.
Looks like buying a house in Lancaster is whats next. Don the land owner for the rec grow has a sister in law with a place and a old man with a place on two acres we are going to go look at. It helps I know him through the only people ( my bosses) that have not fucked or straight robbed them. Also I bought them out of most everything they had the other day 5lb and laid cash out like Abe and Riley do.

You are total baller right now. Gotta say it's fun to watch, you are killing it my friend. Couldn't happen to a better man.
Okay as I sing if I had time in a bottle I think of how this strain which I call
"Doc Ookie" aka cookies x Dr Who bred by Doc
Last time it was Rum Bayou that I felt this way about docs strain. I have a feeling even though she is not bushy at all and doesn't really like training. SOG for this strain/pheno. She is like a red headed crazy bitch (her energy) she is gonna be something for sure. Frosty well you all tell me. This is her fresh out the shower all naked and exposed with trics on fan leaves all over her.
as I go in closer you get lost in her crazy beauty,
as she takes you in more
and then she opens up and shows it all for you
Dam anyone else need a cig or 3 lmao.
Looking great D, she looks like she'll develop into a hellfire plant.
How many weeks in is she?
Docs CP x Dr.W is putting out snow like she's getting paid for it.
I've had some resin masters but this one is my queen.
Even tho I posted this one before I can't resist putting it up again
she's just so damn pretty.
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@Dr.D81 Thanks for all the help yesterday. There really is no way my rooms would have gotten done without you. I'm a very lucky noob you have helped me more than I can say. From a room full of your gear, to grow advice, to building the rooms. Fella couldn't really ask for me. Thanks my friend, I appreciate more than I can say. You're good people, I'm glad to see things going well for you. Thank you.

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