"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Sooooooo much wrong with this.

Fusion bombs use hydrogen.

Breeder reactors can generate electricity, but they must be purpose built and aren't efficient for power production.

Normal nuclear reactors just make radioactive spent fuel rods that need much more processing to make weapons, more fuel, etc.
hydrogen bombs are set off by atomic bombs. the pu or st or whatever is later refined and becomes what is needed for the bombs. it takes a separate facility to make the bombs but some of the raw stuff comes from the power industry.
hydrogen bombs are set off by atomic bombs. the pu or st or whatever is later refined and becomes what is needed for the bombs. it takes a separate facility to make the bombs but some of the raw stuff comes from the power industry.
The raw material does come from the nuclear power industry- as a waste material.

I'm trying to drive home the distinction between nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons production.

I used to live within sight of the Rocky Flats Nuclear Triggers Plant in Colorado. I'm well aware of the use of fission bombs to trigger fusion weapons. That still doesn't mean the necessary hydrogen isotopes are made in nuclear power plants- or breeder reactors either, for that matter.
The raw material does come from the nuclear power industry- as a waste material.

I'm trying to drive home the distinction between nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons production.

I used to live within sight of the Rocky Flats Nuclear Triggers Plant in Colorado. I'm well aware of the use of fission bombs to trigger fusion weapons. That still doesn't mean the necessary hydrogen isotopes are made in nuclear power plants- or breeder reactors either, for that matter.
sure your right. just saying it is tangled.
Any actual real proof that there is any running out of control raising temperature
Apart from dodgy alarmist hockey stick graphs and adjustments to old and new temps to suit the modal you want
City's are certainly getting warmer, all that human made concrete jungle that acts as a huge heat sink

The planet and the solar system couldn't give a flying fuck about you pissy little human ants
Although you bloody humans do breath a lot, might need a bit of a cull, save a few trees and some wildlife,
Would be good for the planet,
Ok which one of you true believers is going to put their hand up to save the earth and the human race
Any actual real proof that there is any running out of control raising temperature
Apart from dodgy alarmist hockey stick graphs and adjustments to old and new temps to suit the modal you want
City's are certainly getting warmer, all that human made concrete jungle that acts as a huge heat sink

The planet and the solar system couldn't give a flying fuck about you pissy little human ants
Although you bloody humans do breath a lot, might need a bit of a cull, save a few trees and some wildlife,
Would be good for the planet,
Ok which one of you true believers is going to put their hand up to save the earth and the human race

"any actual real proof" your thesis on climate is appallingly ignorant, cringe worthy idiot babble. Your mental state sounds enfeebled and fragile, meanwhile you cant utter a fucking cogent thought. Youre a horse's ass bro, STFU, your thoughts are not worth a moment's attention
Have a look on the side of your graph it says AD 1961-1990, it isn't me making up the 30year bullshit
The y axis is set with 0 = average global temperature between AD 1961 and 1990. They used thirty years of data to scale the y axis. After that, all data available over the past 11000 years are plotted relative to this average.

You confuse bullshit with your own failure to read and understand.
Any actual real proof that there is any running out of control raising temperature
Apart from dodgy alarmist hockey stick graphs and adjustments to old and new temps to suit the modal you want
City's are certainly getting warmer, all that human made concrete jungle that acts as a huge heat sink

The planet and the solar system couldn't give a flying fuck about you pissy little human ants
Although you bloody humans do breath a lot, might need a bit of a cull, save a few trees and some wildlife,
Would be good for the planet,
Ok which one of you true believers is going to put their hand up to save the earth and the human race
OK, let's do a cull. You first.
"any actual real proof" your thesis on climate is cringe worthy ignorance, your mental state sounds enfeebled and fragile, meanwhile you cant utter a fucking cogent thought. Youre a horse's ass bro, STFU, your thoughts are not worth a moment's attention

Ass = donkey

Get outside and enjoy the sunshine, it will be cold soon enough

"any actual real proof" your thesis on climate is appallingly ignorant, cringe worthy idiot babble. Your mental state sounds enfeebled and fragile, meanwhile you cant utter a fucking cogent thought. Youre a horse's ass bro, STFU, your thoughts are not worth a moment's attention

Yes real proof, have you got any
Sorry but nobody needs to die for your ignorance. The best ones to start culling are the old and feeble minded. Which one are you?

neither, it will come to that though, its to good an excuse not to start a war over
Lets go kill some carbon breathers :shock:
Why are all the old temperature records disappearing or being homogenised?
Wouldn't need to do that if the case for global warming was so clear cut