Wikileaks release Vault 7

Where's info wars? Wikileak did this. Alex Jones had nada to do with this. It's interesting his name comes up so much. I hope nobody is using him as a standard.
Alex Jones is pretty much the standard low bar for fake news and false conspiracy theories. Pretty soon we'll refer to this sort of stuff a "an Alex" or an AJ. Or maybe "you were Jonezzed".
The fact that it needed a password was the giveaway.
No password is required on Wikileaks. The docs are printed out in html format there, which is where I began digging after seeing the flurry of "Vault7" crap earlier in the day in comments. I don't open stuff like that requiring PWs. That's just unwise.
No password is required on Wikileaks. The docs are printed out in html format there, which is where I began digging after seeing the flurry of "Vault7" crap earlier in the day in comments. I don't open stuff like that requiring PWs. That's just unwise.
With a basic script its really easy to download, index and search the whole set of files too :D
Here's a prime example of some of the crap that I keep seeing in the Vault:

Run Out The Clock (PSP Avoidance)
PSP sandboxes typically have a set time limit they analyze a program for before making a decision. PSPs do not want [to] impose unnecessarily long wait times on the user, which may cause the user to disable PSP components or try other products out of frustration. A common technique of exploiting this mechanism is using a Sleep-like call at the start of a program to 'run out the clock'. PSPs caught on and many will skip the sleep calls in their sandbox environment. To counteract this, Malware authors will call a meaningless function which performs some kind of task or calculation that takes a while to complete, before performing any malicious action. This makes it harder/impossible for PSPs to know what to skip, and the Malware can effectively 'run out the clock' while in a PSP sandbox.

Source Code
//Pseudocode, no promises that the following syntax/API function names are 100% correct
void WasteTime()
DWORD dwDeletes = 0;
WCHAR pszFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0};

dwDeletes = rand() + 100;

for (int i = 0; i < dwDeletes; i++)

Wowie Zowie... That's just riveting. So, this is worthy of passing around? :lol:
But wait, there's more...

Webcam Capture


There are two common ways to implement webcam capture on Windows systems that is documented in the public sector: DirectShow and VFW. Codeproject and other websites have simple examples that can be expanded as needed.

Source Code

  • DarkComet RAT: Uses a DirectShow implementation to achieve webcam capture

Component Reuse


Gee...thanks Wikileaks. That's some pretty hefty knowledge, and it's great how there are 4 versions of the same page! I wonder what google has to say when one types "webcam hack"? It's probably not as informative. This is some serious deep State super top-secret shit here.

The more I read these, the more I question who is actually coming up with these "leaks". That is, how many people get together, get loaded, and dream up these dubious "secrets"? I also question if Assange is an agent or merely a dupe.

This last example shows the degree of professionalism the "CIA" employs in their work. You tell me if this shit looks legit to you.

OSB Projects
Ah yeah, OSB Projects y'all! You know we got the all the dankest trojans and collection tools for all your windows asset assist and QRC needs.

Aye thinks Wikileaks 'as bin trollo-loled. Please feel free to share some of the "good stuff" when you find it.
As if this is new or other countries don't do it. More noise.
you are minimizing a serious issue and fact. but it's true what you say
Wikileaks is fake news amirite
no it's real. who is behind it is probably not a good guy but it's real intel from different sources. check what they don't publish if you want to hate but it's not fake
No password is required on Wikileaks. The docs are printed out in html format there, which is where I began digging after seeing the flurry of "Vault7" crap earlier in the day in comments. I don't open stuff like that requiring PWs. That's just unwise.
whre can i read the wikileak dumps?
...and it doesn't have anything to do w/ a specific political party, only the tools that are used by the presiding "commander in brief".
It's not about anything important except that they are turning your devices into your closest traitors

Read the actual dump here:
access w/ the password "SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds"

Your gov't loves you and just wants to make sure you love it too.
good story. bad link.
Here's a prime example of some of the crap that I keep seeing in the Vault:

Run Out The Clock (PSP Avoidance)
PSP sandboxes typically have a set time limit they analyze a program for before making a decision. PSPs do not want [to] impose unnecessarily long wait times on the user, which may cause the user to disable PSP components or try other products out of frustration. A common technique of exploiting this mechanism is using a Sleep-like call at the start of a program to 'run out the clock'. PSPs caught on and many will skip the sleep calls in their sandbox environment. To counteract this, Malware authors will call a meaningless function which performs some kind of task or calculation that takes a while to complete, before performing any malicious action. This makes it harder/impossible for PSPs to know what to skip, and the Malware can effectively 'run out the clock' while in a PSP sandbox.

Source Code
//Pseudocode, no promises that the following syntax/API function names are 100% correct
void WasteTime()
DWORD dwDeletes = 0;
WCHAR pszFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0};

dwDeletes = rand() + 100;

for (int i = 0; i < dwDeletes; i++)

Wowie Zowie... That's just riveting. So, this is worthy of passing around? :lol:
But wait, there's more...

Webcam Capture


There are two common ways to implement webcam capture on Windows systems that is documented in the public sector: DirectShow and VFW. Codeproject and other websites have simple examples that can be expanded as needed.

Source Code

    • DarkComet RAT: Uses a DirectShow implementation to achieve webcam capture

Component Reuse


Gee...thanks Wikileaks. That's some pretty hefty knowledge, and it's great how there are 4 versions of the same page! I wonder what google has to say when one types "webcam hack"? It's probably not as informative. This is some serious deep State super top-secret shit here.

The more I read these, the more I question who is actually coming up with these "leaks". That is, how many people get together, get loaded, and dream up these dubious "secrets"? I also question if Assange is an agent or merely a dupe.

This last example shows the degree of professionalism the "CIA" employs in their work. You tell me if this shit looks legit to you.

OSB Projects
Ah yeah, OSB Projects y'all! You know we got the all the dankest trojans and collection tools for all your windows asset assist and QRC needs.

Aye thinks Wikileaks 'as bin trollo-loled. Please feel free to share some of the "good stuff" when you find it.

Here's a prime example of some of the crap that I keep seeing in the Vault:

Run Out The Clock (PSP Avoidance)
PSP sandboxes typically have a set time limit they analyze a program for before making a decision. PSPs do not want [to] impose unnecessarily long wait times on the user, which may cause the user to disable PSP components or try other products out of frustration. A common technique of exploiting this mechanism is using a Sleep-like call at the start of a program to 'run out the clock'. PSPs caught on and many will skip the sleep calls in their sandbox environment. To counteract this, Malware authors will call a meaningless function which performs some kind of task or calculation that takes a while to complete, before performing any malicious action. This makes it harder/impossible for PSPs to know what to skip, and the Malware can effectively 'run out the clock' while in a PSP sandbox.

Source Code
//Pseudocode, no promises that the following syntax/API function names are 100% correct
void WasteTime()
DWORD dwDeletes = 0;
WCHAR pszFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0};

dwDeletes = rand() + 100;

for (int i = 0; i < dwDeletes; i++)

Wowie Zowie... That's just riveting. So, this is worthy of passing around? :lol:
But wait, there's more...

Webcam Capture


There are two common ways to implement webcam capture on Windows systems that is documented in the public sector: DirectShow and VFW. Codeproject and other websites have simple examples that can be expanded as needed.

Source Code

    • DarkComet RAT: Uses a DirectShow implementation to achieve webcam capture

Component Reuse


Gee...thanks Wikileaks. That's some pretty hefty knowledge, and it's great how there are 4 versions of the same page! I wonder what google has to say when one types "webcam hack"? It's probably not as informative. This is some serious deep State super top-secret shit here.

The more I read these, the more I question who is actually coming up with these "leaks". That is, how many people get together, get loaded, and dream up these dubious "secrets"? I also question if Assange is an agent or merely a dupe.

This last example shows the degree of professionalism the "CIA" employs in their work. You tell me if this shit looks legit to you.

OSB Projects
Ah yeah, OSB Projects y'all! You know we got the all the dankest trojans and collection tools for all your windows asset assist and QRC needs.

Aye thinks Wikileaks 'as bin trollo-loled. Please feel free to share some of the "good stuff" when you find it.
Yeah you were correct, that's a load of crap.
Alex Jones is pretty much the standard low bar for fake news and false conspiracy theories. Pretty soon we'll refer to this sort of stuff a "an Alex" or an AJ. Or maybe "you were Jonezzed".

And everybody knows that. He's an idiot with an army of researchers. Look past his ranting. He covers stories over six months in advance. I don't like the douche. However, as long as he stays a thorn in the liberal side....

Go Alex, dumba$$, Jones.
And everybody knows that. He's an idiot with an army of researchers. Look past his ranting. He covers stories over six months in advance. I don't like the douche. However, as long as he stays a thorn in the liberal side....

Go Alex, dumba$$, Jones.

Yeah man, that 'army of researchers' stays on TOP of shit, for sure. They're totally NOT comprised of a few impotent, sweaty white supremacists loafing on stained mattresses in trailer courts throughout the Midwest. That Jones, man - sharp as a TACK when covering those 'stories', and he's got a real eye for REALITY, as well!

Lol, I'm out the discussion. Usually when people start calling people names like white whatever. They're looking for a racial fight over themselves hating themselves. Blaming others for the insecurity. Reaching for a lame excuse.

"I hate myself, you should too". Say you hate it and it's racist.

Seek counseling. ASAP.
Lol, I'm out the discussion. Usually when people start calling people names like white whatever. They're looking for a racial fight over them hating themselves. Blaming others for the insecurity.

"I hate myself, you should too". Say you hate it and it's racist.

Seek counseling. ASAP.

Can I call you SouthBurningCross from now on?
Lol, I'm out the discussion. Usually when people start calling people names like white whatever. They're looking for a racial fight over themselves hating themselves. Blaming others for the insecurity. Reaching for a lame excuse.

"I hate myself, you should too". Say you hate it and it's racist.

Seek counseling. ASAP.

You think Alex Jones is cool and tell us to seek counseling?

You graduated where in your class? 149th of 160?
People who believe shit that's obviously made up are fucking idiots.

They wasted my tax dollars in public school and should have to pay it back.

B....b.....but those god damned crazy LIBERALS* and their FAKE CNN NEWS!! Alex Jones makes a LOT of good points! MAGA!!

*You know, us folks, the ones that pay taxes that allow Drumpf drones and racist, clueless rust belters to exist. Sadly ironic, isn't it? Talk about 'biting the hand that feeds', sigh.