Where to buy potent San Pedro and/or Peruvian Torch online


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I picked up an 8-star San Pedro Catus, specifically for the 8-edged Star. Apparently they're supposed to have more Mescaline and alkaloids. Does anyone recommend a website that sells cuttings of both that have been bred for their potency?
It was high quality named genetics tho. Ler was one I can't remember the other I got but they were potent 1 foot had me having the best night of my life
Which would you recommend? Peruvian, Bridgesii, or San Pedro? I was thinking about getting the Bridgesii tip for 40 bones
For a more pure mescaline id say p torch. For a stronger trip bridgesii

The majority of the Bridgesii trip reports tend to have ominous figures and fear related trips. I haven't had a panic attack in years and don't get scared easily, but ominous, "the beast" figures aren't what I'm into.

I think I'll go the Peruvian torch route. Though, what are your suggestions and wisdom? I dosed this past January and felt zoned in and dreamy for an hour and that's it. I harvested quite a bit, but there are a few things that might have brought the potency down: I harvested in the Winter, I also take Cetalapram which is an SSRI, although a boil was not achieved it was hot and simmering, and lastly the dried "pulp" sat in my freezer in a glass jar for over a year before consumed. I'm planning on being off SSRI's in the summer, and I'd like to do the cacti shortly there after. This time around I'll be more careful with the extraction process, as well SSRI free
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Nice cactus. How long did you cook? Honestly my best results have come from mincing a foot or two adding a qt of water and setting in a crock pot for 10+ hours. By this time the cactus is completely mush and the water level has gone down. Then I filter when I wake up set the water on the stove on a higher heat but still low. A low boil not rolling boil not a simmer. Let it evap for a while till it is about 1-2 shots worth. Add some honey or sugar. Eat a small spoonful of black pepper with it if you can stand it. Take a couple dramamine or anti nausea pills.

The biggest thing I see, mescaline is sticky as fuck. Its like making weed oil on your stove. My last suggestion would be to get some razors. Either plastic or metal. If you get metal make sure not to scratch the dishes. Plastic might be harder to scrape but won't scratch.

Scrape that pot you are doing your final boil. You will probably get a marble size ball of gunk. Make sure to eat it. Take your time drinking. Mescaline is weird in that you can start dosing at 1 not finish till 2-3 and still have a helluva trip
Which varietals have you consumed? Thanks for the info dude, I'm really excited about ordering from them. I'd like to start growing them once received so I doubt be cutting it down at the earliest in July. Is there a difference in alkaline levels with the tip harvested vs the mid section?
Ive tried Pedro, torch, and bridgesii. My strongest one was a torch with some bridgesii and some b caapi.

I would say alkaloid content varies by age more than by area of the plant. If you have an older thicker cut it will be much stronger than a younger slimmer cut no matter if its a top or mid cut. Id stay away from fresh pups and let them grow
Woah 4ft for 110? That's pretty steep, especially since they're usually like 10 bucks a foot.

Most everything at those prices are going to be PC clones

malachats are top notch stuff, espically his LER which is a tried and true pheno, Which he's selling 3 12" for 55+ shipping is a great deal, and most of his cuts are HUGE for pedro's. I bought a single 12" barrel from him (for planting) and its the fattest Trich I have ever seen (granted I have not seen to many)

check out malachats fruitbook page he used to but up discount codes all the time
Most everything at those prices are going to be PC clones

malachats are top notch stuff, espically his LER which is a tried and true pheno, Which he's selling 3 12" for 55+ shipping is a great deal, and most of his cuts are HUGE for pedro's. I bought a single 12" barrel from him (for planting) and its the fattest Trich I have ever seen (granted I have not seen to many)

check out malachats fruitbook page he used to but up discount codes all the time

Yeah I was curious about the LER's, have you tried any of ther other cacti?
The 20 minutes between first sip and finishing the drink is rough. Take your time. Have a chaser. Don't skimp on the chaser. Wash your entire mouth and lips between drinks of tea. Make sure to really wash your tongue and cheeks. Lime juice is terrible because it will start tasting like mescaline. Drink on a completely empty stomach. Have a purge container ready. I purge cause it tastes terrible and makes me gag. Once I purged normally after an hour or so but usually its really fast after ingestion because I drank it too fast
The 20 minutes between first sip and finishing the drink is rough. Take your time. Have a chaser. Don't skimp on the chaser. Wash your entire mouth and lips between drinks of tea. Make sure to really wash your tongue and cheeks. Lime juice is terrible because it will start tasting like mescaline. Drink on a completely empty stomach. Have a purge container ready. I purge cause it tastes terrible and makes me gag. Once I purged normally after an hour or so but usually its really fast after ingestion because I drank it too fast

Dualy noted.

But with the trip did you experience any unwanted images, meet any unwanted beings, etc.?