Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

I believe that you are a snicth and had your people busted.
I do believe that your wife helped you trim at times. I'm just glad that you didn't snitch on her...or did you ?
It's weird reading a thread where you have one of the participants in your 'Ignore' list. It's like hearing one end of a phone conversation. It is obvious Davey is in this conversation given the snitch references, however. He's overdue for some stitches for sure.
Does anyone know what happened to the two people (a couple?) he snitched on? Are they still locked up?

I'm not going to go down the doxxing road, man, but suffice it to say the info is out there.

I do have some hilarious/slightly disturbing PMs to share at some point, though.

Bottom line: He's less than trash. LE-affiliated to this day, as well. He/it shouldn't even be here, especially considering the sensitive nature of the goings on here.
Literally akin to having an established pedophile hiding among the staff at a massive daycare center.
I'm not going to go down the doxxing road, man, but suffice it to say the info is out there.

I do have some hilarious/slightly disturbing PMs to share at some point, though.

Bottom line: He's less than trash. LE-affiliated to this day, as well. He/it shouldn't even be here, especially considering the sensitive nature of the goings on here.
Literally akin to having an established pedophile hiding among the staff at a massive daycare center.
I'm embarrassed to admit I had to look "doxxing" up. Thanks for pushing back on my suggestion. I shouldn't have asked.
as a cannabis grower myself, i can easily believe that someone can grow 50 pounds of weed. i've had 20 on hand myself from time to time, and i have a small op.

Well, he had a grow thread here. Maybe you can do like the feds did and check it out.

My point wasn't if he "could" grow 20 pounds, my point was he "didn't". And it was documented here. Therefore he was working with someone else. Someone who we all agreed to protect. But now I've said too much. I'm sure you can figure it out. ;)
It's weird reading a thread where you have one of the participants in your 'Ignore' list. It's like hearing one end of a phone conversation. It is obvious Davey is in this conversation given the snitch references, however. He's overdue for some stitches for sure.

So, give me some.
do you pull off alot on fb? :lol:

this is funny. there are other reasons and some do pick mexico so ridiculous but funny

"The rack room" is a pretty good facebook group. I could pull it off to that for sure. There are 100's more if you know how to find them.

I'm gonna hunker down here in CA and see how this all plays out. I ain't scared.
Well, he had a grow thread here. Maybe you can do like the feds did and check it out.

My point wasn't if he "could" grow 20 pounds, my point was he "didn't". And it was documented here. Therefore he was working with someone else. Someone who we all agreed to protect. But now I've said too much. I'm sure you can figure it out. ;)

you have such a track record of honesty that i see no reason not to believe you.