First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
yea thats right:D 3000

well he didnt make many seeds and only gave 2.
naw i always did seedlees grows, but i'm always reading up on the topic so I can be ready


Well-Known Member
well 400 hps is 55k and i got 15 sq ft so its about 3600 each foot. should be good yeah 14k for veggin they 2 65w cfl floodlights, 7k lumens each...
thats good u can always add more cfls to your veg but just dont get crazy...shit ill add some cfls to the flower room being that hps gotta be certain distance unless you have cooltube or air cooled reflector
oh you got a bigger space because the space you got now is good for your lights..but before you go crazy getting all these cfls think about if you can get a 250 mh you will be happier with that..


Well-Known Member
yep and get some socket splitters and you good:D but a 250 mh like WW said would do you good, real talk cfls can get expensive when using alot, they like $10 each for the40w and then you gotta buy the $10 lamp kit unless you got lamps laying around.
i only want to use floros to root clones as i see no other purpose for them a mh or mh conversion bulb on your hps will do far better than and cfl/floro so i would rather use 175(13,500l)-250(23,000l) mh for veg and go with 400hps to flower you will grow better crops supporting heavier buds


Well-Known Member
no lst.
hydro and soil
veg flouros and MH
HPS sometimes i this grow has been crazy because of situations going on here at home. too many pple coming in my crib but I stopped that so I'm bac to old shit.
got the 400w MH and t5's running now.

plants it all depends usually however many I can fit in all 3 of my HB and the 2 clostes i truly use for growing.
s you flower in a five foot tall home box??how tall do your plants end up?how much you get in yeild a plant?mh to flower to i heard that give you alot more resin..imnot sure tho