'I Had An Appointment With The President..'


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Intruder Gets Within Steps of White House
WASHINGTON — A man carrying a backpack jumped over a fence and got within several steps of the White House before being arrested late Friday, the Secret Service said. The intrusion, the first reported since President Trump took office, came as the president was inside the residence.
A Secret Service official said the intruder did not pose a threat to Mr. Trump. But the breach was more serious than most other cases of fence-jumping at the White House: The man was able to elude multiple layers of security before being stopped near the entrance at the South Portico.
The intruder, identified as Jonathan Tuan Tran, 26, of Milpitas, Calif., was charged with entering a restricted area “while using or carrying a dangerous weapon.” The Secret Service official said that he was not armed and that his backpack did not contain any hazardous materials, but that he was carrying two cans of pepper spray.
Mr. Tran told the officer who arrested him that he had an appointment with the president.
Speaking to reporters on Saturday at a meeting of cabinet members at Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Va., Mr. Trump said the “Secret Service did a fantastic job last night.” He described Mr. Tran as a “troubled person.”
The Secret Service said in a statement that at about 11:38 p.m., “an individual scaled the outer perimeter fence by the Treasury Building and East Executive Avenue,” adding, “Secret Service Uniformed Division officers arrested the individual on the south grounds without further incident.”
Mr. Tran had no criminal record and no history with the Secret Service, the official said. Officers searched the north and south grounds of the White House and found nothing amiss.
Security at the White House became a major issue in 2014, when there were several cases of intruders scaling the fence and entering the grounds. In one episode, a man carrying a knife, Omar J. Gonzalez, managed to overpower a Secret Service agent inside the North Portico entrance and run through the ceremonial East Room before he was tackled.
The Secret Service came under criticism because in its initial account of the episode, officials indicated that Mr. Gonzalez had made it only steps inside the North Portico after running through the door. The fuller account emerged from Representative Jason Chaffetz, Republican of Utah and chairman of a subcommittee that investigated the breach.
The National Capital Planning Commission recently approved plans for the Secret Service to install a stronger and higher perimeter fence around the White House. In 2015, the Secret Service added spikes to the top of the fence on the north and south sides of the grounds as a temporary deterrent.
Let's be sure to keep insulating our elected leaders from the people they're screwing over ever more effectively...

And see where that gets us as a country.
Let's be sure to keep insulating our elected leaders from the people they're screwing over ever more effectively...

And see where that gets us as a country.

Now, now, to be fair, they've always insulated themselves from us..check out any of the pics from recent town halls? They look like deer.
Too bad he^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^didn't get peppered sprayed..it's orange.

The thing that I really like about the article was the pic of black cloud hanging over WH..metaphorical genius. Artsy crowd: It's haunting if you blow it up.
Speaking of crazy, how'd your lawsuit against Walmart go?
Somebody told me about that; tried to sue them because she needed a receipt to return something and that's racist cos she missed her bus and lots of black people will too?

Ahh yes, this was shortly after i started this account. I recall schuylaar claiming (dishonestly) to be a full time medical student and UB accusing me of being beenthere.

Good times....
I bumped the thread earlier today and now it's gone. Sounds like @schuylaar got butthurt and had it removed. Or it was removed by the mods due to it being a racist thread.
It's all very sad. A sad, fixed system!
Nothing you can do about it citizen, now move on to your designated place of residence or corporation of employment. Thank you, and have a nice day.