Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Does this fact make you smile junky boy..
I am smiling right now

when was the last time you got laid?
when was your last job?

thanks for the concern, chicken breast rbbed in a jerk sauce baked for 35 min roughly. then we will thin slice it layer it with mayo. mustard and more hot sauce

probably topped with bacon. lettuce tomatoe and a little cum

spew spew


Well-Known Member
you still crying really makes me smile
dawson crying after every one of his posts might be my new standard.

fucking chicken sammy is going to be dope

it doesn't take this long to get cigarettes

we didn't have a whip so I hit her with an extension cord.\

true love bro \

kinky eh

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
So is this guy on DAY 8 of his meltdown?

Let's take bets on how long this goes on.

I'm guessing at 14 days his mania finally subsides and he curls into the fetal position,his lips gently wrapped around 12 gauges of cold blue steel.


Well-Known Member
So is this guy on DAY 8 of his meltdown?

Let's take bets on how long this goes on.

I'm guessing at 14 days his mania finally subsides and he curls into the fetal position,his lips gently wrapped around 12 gauges of cold blue steel.

I am putting my money on 21 days.