Fact or Fiction?


Well-Known Member
Well, I disagree. Anecdotal evidence is important and plays a valuable role in the scientific method. Anecdotal evidence is very often the first bit of evidence which serves to pique the interest enough to call for a real trial. Anecdotal evidence has led to further investigation that's been the cause of many important breakthroughs in science, like the smallpox vaccine. (And as you point out, it's also spurred numerous research projects which contradict anecdotes such as the healing power of prayer) In any case, why don't you tone down the condescension in your posts a little bit? I certainly don't appreciate being told to look up what the scientific method is.
Fuck dude, lighten up.



Well-Known Member
You may not be understanding the concept, the molasses isn't for the plant, it's food for the bacterial/fungal colonies. You have to add the beneficial fungus and bacteria in order to get the benefits.
I understand the concept quite well. Soils already have the fungi and bacteria in them unless the soil has been sterilized. If you have to much bacteria or fungi, however, then they'll start competing with the plant for resources. This was the conclusion of the scientifically peer reviewed link I posted earlier.

I'm not saying that this concept does not work but what I am saying is that the concept is not supported by peer reviewed research.

Once again, I've made no claim that this concept does not work. If you want to give it a try then by all means do it. If you want to pray for your plants then by all means do that to.


Well-Known Member
Liquid molasses, dry molasses powder, brown sugar, corn syrup - source of fast consuming sugars for feeding and breeding the aerobic bacteria in compost teas. Most microherd populations love the high carbon content in sugar products. Sugars are best dissolved and broken down by microbes in compost tea that has brewed at least 1-3 days, before applying to the soil. If too much sugar is added on soil straight as a topdressing, it may cause a temporary nitrogen deficiency in the soil as the microherd populations grow too fast. Molasses also contains sulfur which acts as a mild natural fungicide also. Molasses is also a great natural deodorizer for fishy teas. NOTE: Recent studies have shown that unsulfured molasses or dry molasses powder is best for faster aerobic microbial growth in tea brewing. For a more fungal tea don't add too much simple sugar or molasses to your aerobic teas. Use more complex sugars, starches and carbohydrates like in seaweed, rotten fruit, soy sauce, or other fungal foods.


Well-Known Member
Oh! Great, thanks for that wikipedia article Tech! That was completely relevant and proved your point marvelously! Lol.... OK dude I'm done.


Well-Known Member
Oh! Great, thanks for that wikipedia article Tech! That was completely relevant and proved your point marvelously! Lol.... OK dude I'm done.

Just saying what happens. I do it. It works for me. I melt some in the water and use 1 tablespoon per gallon. Is that better? Oh it's dudette by the way


Well-Known Member
Oh! Great, thanks for that wikipedia article Tech! That was completely relevant and proved your point marvelously! Lol.... OK dude I'm done.
Not a problem man! Here's another Wiki link to help clear up your confusion.

Anecdotal evidence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evidence

In science, anecdotal evidence has been defined as:
  • "information that is not based on facts or careful study"[2]
  • "non-scientific observations or studies, which do not provide proof but may assist research efforts"[3]
  • "reports or observations of usually unscientific observers"[4]
  • "casual observations or indications rather than rigorous or scientific analysis"[5]
  • "information passed along by word-of-mouth but not documented scientifically"

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Techhead420, didn't you and I not have a go around already about how closed of a mind you have, and that all you have is book smarts? This is an Inoccent question here. I will not follow up any further. I hold my cool.

By the way, I hate Mollasses. It is way to messy. I pay the money for A.N. Rasberry Sweet.


Well-Known Member
Techhead420, didn't you and I not have a go around already about how closed of a mind you have, and that all you have is book smarts? This is an Inoccent question here. I will not follow up any further. I hold my cool.
I'm a closed mind because I want evidence and not a bunch of anecdotal dogma? If wanting more than hearsay makes me closed minded then I along with every other scientist and engnieer would also be closed minded by your definition. I don't know where you came up with "all you have is book smarts though", I've got 10 years field experience as an research engineer.

It's rather sad and pathetic that you have to stoop to using ad hominems...

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I'm a closed mind because I want evidence and not a bunch of anecdotal dogma? If wanting more than hearsay makes me closed minded then I along with every other scientist and engnieer would also be closed minded by your definition. I don't know where you came up with "all you have is book smarts though", I've got 10 years field experience as an research engineer.

It's rather sad and pathetic that you have to stoop to using ad hominems...
Then prove what you say to be true. Right now. If not you are just full of shit. Where is the proof in what you are telling us? Do you think you are the only one in here able to obtain an Engineers Stamp? I have proven this of myself, if you research through post. You shoot down everyones findings because they were not completed in a lab inviroment. If you were an open minded Engineer with the vast knowledge you boast about, then you would try your own little experiments. But NO. You have to stick with what is written in books and shut everyones findings down. Oh Yee of little Minds who boast of greatness.

It is sad and pathetic that you have to be such a stereotypical Engineer that gives the rest of us a bad name.

Well!!! But the BOOKS SAYS!!!!!
Screw you and the Books, SOMETIMES!!!!!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Ok. I need to go find my CORk and get to bed. If it works use it. If it doesn't then do not. But do not scream that it will not work if you have never tried.


Well-Known Member
Then prove what you say to be true. If not you are just full of shit. Where is the proof in what you are telling us? Do you think you are the only one in here able to obtain an Engineers Stamp? I have proven this if you research through post. You shoot down everyones findings because they were not completed in a lab inviroment. If you were an open minded Engineer with the vast knowledge you boast about, then you would try your own little experiments. But NO. You have to stick with what is written in books and shut everyones findings down. Oh Yee of little Minds who boast of greatness.
Uh, well, what do you want me to prove? What do you want me to do? Appeal to negative proof? Accept hearsay as proof? I shoot down anecdotes because they're not scientific. Nearly all scientists would also shoot down anecdotes for not being scientific. Why, because anecdotes don't follow the scientific method therefore it's not good science. Anecdotes and hearsay also aren't allowed in court cases for very good reasons. They're unreliable.

I'm not sure what you want me to prove. I've given proof in the form of a peer reviwed scientific paper that plants don't take up carbos efficiently. I've made the claim that mollasses is not supprted by scientific research. This is easily falsifiable, just post a link to the paper. Personally I don't give a damn if people mollasses, I just want people to realize that the claims have not been backed up through an independant peer review process. Is that so much to want. Really, that's the only point I'm making and people can take it for what it is.

BTW, I've NEVER boasted of greatness and consider myself to be just an average engineer with a good education and field experience.

Are you happy now? Because god knows, if your not happy I'm not happy.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!! You are nothing but a broken record. You are not a Scientist. I highly doubt your are even out of college. people like you slow down scientific advancement. Please drop out of your major and help out mankind.

I have to stop here before i say something i wish I had not.


Well-Known Member
I have to stop here before i say something i wish I had not.
I stopped last night.

Techhead- if all you want is papers published in a scientific essay, you're barking up the wrong tree, it might be news to you, but studies on the plant cannabis sativa haven't really occured do to the illegality issues.

This site is full of "dogmatic bullshit" so if you are looking for some scientists to prove you wrong, I'd suggest finding a dark closet, going inside and locking the door behind yourself.


Well-Known Member
I'm in UK and cant seem to find mollasses but have picked up some black trecale are they the same things?
Have a look at this
Meridian Foods Where to Buy

Type in where you live...
Give the nearest shop a call and ask if they have blackstrap molasses in stock. That's what I did. £2 for a huge jar.

I use the stuff and think it works wonders for bud weight and smell.
Can't comment on the science as I'm not a pro...


Well-Known Member
No shit, I'd like to see Techhead actually test out Piranha, and Tarantula along with carbohydrates. Then talk bad about it, instead he's all high and mighty demanding scientific research.

Techhead- look into Dr. Hornby's research he's the only one that could make the documents you've requested, after reading several pages, I can't directly link you to "evidence" of carbohydrate uptake being beneficial, but he has proven that in conjunction with beneficial bacteria and fungal colonies there is an increase in yield and root mass in the neighborhood of 20%.

You're a dick, if you post again about scientific evidence, I'm going to give you -rep, it'll be my first time :fire:


Well-Known Member
I stopped last night.

Techhead- if all you want is papers published in a scientific essay, you're barking up the wrong tree, it might be news to you, but studies on the plant cannabis sativa haven't really occured do to the illegality issues.

This site is full of "dogmatic bullshit" so if you are looking for some scientists to prove you wrong, I'd suggest finding a dark closet, going inside and locking the door behind yourself.
Dude, read the fucking posts. This might be news to you, but it hasn't been studied with ANY plant as I have said. Do you understand? Is there some sort of language barrier here?

Once again dude, read the fucking posts, I'm not looking to be proven wrong. My ONLY claim here is that this concept isn't backed by evidence. I've never said that this can't work (personally I thinks it's complete bullshit but that's merely my personal dogma). Do you get this? Do you need me to write it out in crayon for you? How about I sign you up for a reading comprehension course? Read the fucking posts.


Well-Known Member
SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!! You are nothing but a broken record. You are not a Scientist. I highly doubt your are even out of college. people like you slow down scientific advancement. Please drop out of your major and help out mankind.

I have to stop here before i say something i wish I had not.
What ever dude. All you have is ad hominems. As I said before, it's rather sad and pathetic that you'd stoop this low.


Well-Known Member
Nobody here likes you, and I read your posts, how about YOU reading all of the posts telling you how much of an asshat you are?

Nobody likes you, why don't you go back to all your righteous engineer friends.

You obviously don't grow, otherwise you'd understand the concepts displayed here.

How about going to the thread titled Molasses and reading a bit of info.

Your are a disrespectful prick.

There is a whole group of psuedoscientists here all doing experiments on the use of Molasses, reviewed by peers, and all have came to the same conclusion; Your a dumbass.


Well-Known Member
Nobody here likes you, and I read your posts, how about YOU reading all of the posts telling you how much of an asshat you are?

Nobody likes you, why don't you go back to all your righteous engineer friends.

You obviously don't grow, otherwise you'd understand the concepts displayed here.

How about going to the thread titled Molasses and reading a bit of info.

Your are a disrespectful prick.

There is a whole group of psuedoscientists here all doing experiments on the use of Molasses, reviewed by peers, and all have came to the same conclusion; Your a dumbass.
LOL! Seriously, ROFLMAO. BTW, I've been growing a wide variety of plants for a dozen years now. Excuse me if I take "pseudopscientific" peer review with a grain of salt.


Pseudoscience is defined as a body of knowledge, methodology, belief, or practice that is claimed to be scientific or made to appear scientific, but does not adhere to the scientific method,[2][3][4] lacks supporting evidence or plausibility,[5] or otherwise lacks scientific status.