My 8hr flowering experiment

Course it was
Stonermacgyverism level 10 bro
love it
The 1987 Honda Civic windshield wiper motor and gear drive assembly turned a shaft that then turned the bike wheel. Backwards. The crossbar hung from the crankset, the lights completed one revolution about every 3 and a half minutes.

Those hoods in the pic sucked; much better with open batwing reflectors.

It pulled over 2lb/1000W, but took up a lot more than the usual 16 sq ft.
He's always willing to share.
A real snuggler til your not looking then he nips ya lol
He looks a lot like my son's dog who's a cross of Bull Mastiff and Lab. Super friendly but he did that nipping when he was a pup, as soon as you weren't paying attention, bastard got me a few times :)
He looks a lot like my son's dog who's a cross of Bull Mastiff and Lab. Super friendly but he did that nipping when he was a pup, as soon as you weren't paying attention, bastard got me a few times :)
How big did ur sons dog get?
I think I was lied too by this guys breeder.
He's a cane corso. I saw the mom and many pics of the dad both were around 100lbs.
My vet laughed and said 130plus easy but I really hope not he's more then a handful already.
I'm with him 24/7 but he's gonna need some serious training
How big did ur sons dog get?
I think I was lied too by this guys breeder.
He's a cane corso. I saw the mom and many pics of the dad both were around 100lbs.
My vet laughed and said 130plus easy but I really hope not he's more then a handful already.
I'm with him 24/7 but he's gonna need some serious training
Being with him is great- actively training him is even better. I had my lil guy off leash trained by the time he was 6 months old. They need love and repetition and they'll reward you over and over.
Being with him is great- actively training him is even better. I had my lil guy off leash trained by the time he was 6 months old. They need love and repetition and they'll reward you over and over.

I do the best I can with what I know and I'm willing to get help with the rest.
He's great with me, sits,stays, paws, lays down and even high fives but he is jumpy and often bitey.
My gf and daughters already get pulled around by him.
I do the best I can with what I know and I'm willing to get help with the rest.
He's great with me, sits,stays, paws, lays down and even high fives but he is jumpy and often bitey.
My gf and daughters already get pulled around by him.
Yeah, gotta work with him to give him the idea that dragging people around isn't acceptable.

Same with the nipping.

He's trying to figure out where he stands in the pack hierarchy that is your family unit. You have to teach him that his place is at the bottom, but it's okay because he'll still get all the love and attention he needs in that position.
How big did ur sons dog get?
I think I was lied too by this guys breeder.
He's a cane corso. I saw the mom and many pics of the dad both were around 100lbs.
My vet laughed and said 130plus easy but I really hope not he's more then a handful already.
I'm with him 24/7 but he's gonna need some serious training
He landed at 110, has more from the Mastif side including the jowels, friendly but very protective, great dog.

My son was great at training him, you just have to establish who the alpha male is (you) and repetitive/consistent training, never letting up until he gets whatever you're trying to teach him. Last thing you want is a 100-130 lb. dog taking over the house :(
Thanks for all the dog advice guys.
I'll keep on him and will take him to training. Everyone recommended I get a dog to keep me company and help keep me busy.
Was always a Rottweiler fan myself but since my best friend had to recently put his down for health problems I decided to go the mastiff route since they have the longest lifespan of the larger breeds.
Should give me lots of time to enjoy and train him.
The extra security and protection is a bonus especially since I don't live in the nicest neighbourhood and I spend a lot of time up north.