Well-Known Member
I just wanted to established that you're known to stalk reddan, Inda, I saw another one of your posts to him yesterday in the politics section. You say he's a good sport, but that's what you tell yourself, the man actually hates you. You definately aren't one to provide morality lessons.
C2G begs for attn from me, regardless what you desire to believe about your pal. 80% of the posters in this section aren't very observant. Maybe it's time to let it go, maybe you're right.
I would take the time to dig up quotes from reddan himself so you could see the whole story ....but it's pointless because I was in NO way trying to get reddan to be my friend ....and I'm not giving advice ..just stating facts about the situation seem to have an abundance of time on your hands Abe ....go look for yourself ......if I did have a bit of advice to give you would be to definitely just let it go ....but it honestly looks like you've got to much actual feelings/emotions wrapped up in your situation .....personal attacks with no replies continuously is weird dude ......I'm ok with reddan hating me ...and it's obvious you guys are pals ....that's cool ....I don't judge you for being reddans friend ....cause I don't give a fuck .......but because I like C2G and consider her a friend called me out a week ago or so ....that's obsessive and creepy ......I'm not trying to be reddans friend EVER!! ...but I also don't wana see any actual harm come to him or anyone ......I'm done explaining myself to you Abe .......ADVICE--let it go's the internet