The War on Drugs is the reason for most of the violence and has terrible effects on public safety you don't know if you are buying heroin or fentynal. Legalization is the only answer but Hillary was against legalizing heroin and cocaine I'd love to go to the corner store and buy a gram of pure coke but no I have to call my man make arrangements drive to him and grab a gram but he don't cut my shit but he does charge extra but worth it a gram of good coke will last me to the morning.
But they legalize weed and take that money from me because it's only worth $20 for a pack of joint's I'm going to have to grow some poppy and cook grade A heroin.
How is legalizing taking money away from you? Eliminating a black market that never should have existed in the first place isn't the same as taxation. Growing premium quality weed is a valuable skill. Plenty of people are trying to enter the Oregon market and finding that a warehouse grow operation takes special knowledge and skill unless the business plan is to sell at the bottom of the market. You might find that legalizing MJ gives you more opportunity than living underground. But that's your problem.
It is Obama's fault he set up the police state we live in the police state that caused the #blacklivesmatter. PD's got MRAP's and used marijuana as an excuse under Obama. The man did nothing but set us up for the next administration to round up a large majority of marijuana organizations. They also DNA mapped cannabis they can target any seed company that ships to the USA back to under ground breeding.
Hillary would have done the same Johnson was our only hope but everyone who voted for Clinton is to blame because you did not choose freedom you just tried to keep Trump out I voted for Johnson because he was the only candidate for freedom. Next election I will be voting libertarian again.
You are schizo on this. Also ignorant. Nixon started the war on drugs and the DEA police force has only grown ever since. You never had it better than under Obama but I agree the WOD is evil and the people running it should be behind bars. Too bad he had a GOP congress opposing all actions Obama made including the order to let states self regulate. All drugs should be legal, not just MJ. Drug addiction is a health and medical issue, not a legal one.
The WOD was never about public safety, it is and always was a war on the poor, especially African Americans. Mostly though it is about incarcerating and controlling the lower income classes.
Under Obama, nonviolent drug offenders were not sent to prison in nearly the same numbers as before. They started closing down private prisons and planning how to deal with a smaller prison population. That's all over now. Thanks to Trump's supporters.
Hillary is irrelevant. Sessions is going to come after you and tens of thousands of others for propaganda and political purposes, not because you've done anything wrong. Shag boy.