salamander soil

blue pyro

Well-Known Member
Simple question here. Anyone used salamander soil from ff? I usually use frog but my local nursery only carries salamander and a brand I didn't recognize. I know it's not the same because it's coir, but I been wanting to give it a go for awhile. Anything I need to look out for? This will be a flowering mix. I planned on adding plant tone garden tone and bone meal plus Dolomite any suggestions. I don't have many options around here either like alot of people home depot Lowe's Wal-Mart and ace hardware is about it. And the just statrted carrying epsoma jobes and happy frog within the last year. Thanks in advance and happy growing.
Any pest issues I should be aware of, or salinity maybe. I rarely have pest issues anyway though. I think the humidity here plays a part in that. Considering I amend with worm castings from the 'post and occasionally the compost itself.
cya and use predatory nematodes to make sure there are no bad bugs in the soil because ff is known for having bugs in it.
Thank you backtracter, there is some good info in that link. I'll be sure to do that. What can I do for grasshoppers lol. I have an outdoor patch I'm preparing in for the season it's in what I can only describe as grassland. In the summer it's almost waist high and covered in huge grasshopers. Like easily mistaken for locusts huge. I been wanting to fish with em lol
Thank you backtracter, there is some good info in that link. I'll be sure to do that. What can I do for grasshoppers lol. I have an outdoor patch I'm preparing in for the season it's in what I can only describe as grassland. In the summer it's almost waist high and covered in huge grasshopers. Like easily mistaken for locusts huge. I been wanting to fish with em lol
Hang a fake bird from a tree.

Might work lol.
There you go. It's all about finding a predator! Whether it's a carved crow on fishing wire, or a for real feathered friend, you gotta be one step ahead!

Or one food chain link ahead, rather lol.
There you go. It's all about finding a predator! Whether it's a carved crow on fishing wire, or a for real feathered friend, you gotta be one step ahead!

Or one food chain link ahead, rather lol.

Right I'll simply relocate a setting hen throw a few pullets out and let the feasting begin. Thanks for the brain jolt prostheticninja. And the laugh I needed that one
Right I'll simply relocate a setting hen throw a few pullets out and let the feasting begin. Thanks for the brain jolt prostheticninja. And the laugh I needed that one
Anytime :bigjoint:

As far as Salamander soil goes, I've never used it, but I think a buddy of mine used it in a grow and liked it. I don't know if it was good enough to stick with, but he said it did retain the water. Makes sense if it's coco! Probably a good mix for outside. I forgot to mention any pertinent information once I started thinking about a wooden crow swinging in the wind above some big ol' nugs, I got a little side tracked lol.

You going to add any EWC to that soil? Good castings are worth their weight in gold. Maybe some aeration?
Anytime :bigjoint:

As far as Salamander soil goes, I've never used it, but I think a buddy of mine used it in a grow and liked it. I don't know if it was good enough to stick with, but he said it did retain the water. Makes sense if it's coco! Probably a good mix for outside. I forgot to mention any pertinent information once I started thinking about a wooden crow swinging in the wind above some big ol' nugs, I got a little side tracked lol.

You going to add any EWC to that soil? Good castings are worth their weight in gold. Maybe some aeration?

Absolutely planning on adding ewc. As for aeration an additional 15 to 20 percent course perlite. I'll prob have to order that all they have local is MG perlte. And I'd rather not have to wash a bunch of fertilizer out. But after inspecting bag there does seem to be a lot in there. I'll post a pic if I can when I get off work
Thank you backtracter, there is some good info in that link. I'll be sure to do that. What can I do for grasshoppers lol. I have an outdoor patch I'm preparing in for the season it's in what I can only describe as grassland. In the summer it's almost waist high and covered in huge grasshopers. Like easily mistaken for locusts huge. I been wanting to fish with em lol
They're great covered in chocolate, they sold them at a bar I use to hang out at....oh ya drunk again. This stuff works but it takes awhile and make sure the expired date is good. The local Indians in my area use to set the grass on fire and then collect the cooked grasshoppers for winter food supply.

Absolutely planning on adding ewc. As for aeration an additional 15 to 20 percent course perlite. I'll prob have to order that all they have local is MG perlte. And I'd rather not have to wash a bunch of fertilizer out. But after inspecting bag there does seem to be a lot in there. I'll post a pic if I can when I get off work
Ever use Hydroton for aeration? I like to mix equal parts Hydroton and like medium to large perilite for my aerating component. I just soak it in aloe water (but I don't know if that even does anything to be honest. Normal water is fine) over night, and mix it in the next day; business as usual. It doesn't ever rise to the top like perilite, and it really helps your soil hold in the water. Where I'm at, the local hydro shop has Hydroton for way less than they do perilite so it helps me cut my costs a bit too. I hate ordering big shit like that; it's highway robbery paying the shipping price.

A lot in the Salamander bag? I was considering going with a bag of that today, as the shop was out of my normal brand: Roots Organic. Ended up going with Ocean Forest since its like $17 a bag at the shop and Salamander was closer to $30 and I have dealt with Ocean Forest before.

Got a bag of coco too. Never really messed around with coco, but I have a plant going right now in a Hydroton hempy that impressed me so much I decided to do a couple more in the preferred media of coco.

Pix plz bongsmilie
This is lil blue a blueberry headband auto from 91st. 68 days from seed. In amend ffof.

Nope never tried hydroton. May give it a go soon. I don't have hydro stores Within 150 miles.

Ffof for 17 but salamander got 30!? Here is 22 ffof and 14 salamander. When you can find ffof. I hate ordering too I ounce ordered ffof 3 c.f. perlite 3c.f. 2 600w setups fans filter nutes seeds all in the same month I was young and brave and paid a small fortune lol

Pix coming soon I'm working doubles this week but Tom is the last day.
20170323_113714.jpg 20170323_113757.jpg As stated here is a pic of the salamander. That is without added perlite. And I must say it seems to be growing some bushes. Around 3.5 feet tall and 3 to 4 ft around. Plants seemed to love it after transplant. But they also have been well established.
Looks good, my man! Do you have a journal? Also, what strain(s) are you growing?

Thank you sir.

No I don't have a journal.... I keep track of everything the old fashion way pen and paper lol. But I may start one on the next run. I'm going to be running Jillybean (3rd time) and either durban poison, hindu kush, or querkel.... Can't decide yet.

As far as strains go current run is do blueberry and hos sour diesel #2. I heard both strains can be hermi prone so I figured I'd run them together...

Also I'm looking into a.c. reflectors. I run 2 600w Hid. In cool tubes. They are always cool enough for me to touch comfortably. But I'm wandering If 2 reflectors would light My 6x3.5 room better than the cool tubes also Amy difference in heat?