The UK Growers Thread!

howd it come out? did you rate it?

Not bad to be honest, I'm not a massive ham fan but I wanted to make it for sandwiches mostly and I watched Food Unwrapped one time where they showed how they make em in a factory and they inject the meat with salt water with loads of other chemicals in so that it's done pretty much in a couple of hours if not straight away.

I think it was better than what you'd get in the shops cos it doesn't have the other shite in it like nitrates and stuff, it was defo jucier and had more flavour because of the herbs.
They put nitrates in pork cos if you don't preserve it then it goes grey pretty quick, but nitrates give you cancer.
Injecting meat with salt water is not the same as soaking meat in salt water.
And the "secret ingredients" in the water are nitrates and other chemical preservatives.

Just look how the legs swell up when injected with loads of water (water that you pay for in the weight).
Fuck that shit.

I'm trying to find nitrate free bacon but not had the chance to speak to my butcher lately as he's just moved shops.
He buys young animals at auction and then rears them free range on his farm in Skipton until they're ready for slaughter, then makes all his own produce from the meat.
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Injecting meat with salt water is not the same as soaking meat in salt water.
And the "secret ingredients" are chemical nitrates and other preservatives.

Fuck that shit.

I'm trying to find nitrate free bacon but not had the chance to speak to my butcher lately as he's just moved shops.

the amount of processed meat i fucking eat ive prob already done the damage, too late for me i thinks lol

had any good steaks lately mate? aint had any for a while meself tbh
Time for a salad tonight and that second porch chop I cooked lastnight. It's chicken that has no shelf life, talk about foul, the smell is atrocious if you let it go half a week uncooked. I'll check that ham vid later york.
had any good steaks lately mate? aint had any for a while meself tbh

Yeah, Wednesday and Thursday night I was on Aldi sirloin.

I'm all in for Aldi steak, even the cheaper 21 day aged ones at about £3.50 each are good stuff.

I'm on steak about once a week these days.

I've been on a ketogenic diet since xmas and my new fave meal is steak, eggs and avocado chips deep fried in beef dripping.
Avocado is healthy as fuck, loads of good fats in em but they always taste green and sharp when I try them raw. I like guacamole but avocados on their own are just horrible, till I came across avocado chips on a Keto blog about a month ago, tried them once and I'm hooked, proper tasty they are.

They sound wrong but you just have to try them, spot on with steak and eggs.
What if Bitcoin's in bubble and its gone go below 800
The lower it goes the better as she always spikes,look at the graphs throughout the YR I've seen 700+ euro raises in the blink of an eye so there I got 500e worth they charge 20 now I'm back to 489 in coins which I'll kep and hope she rockets by a few quid
It's more so a bit of fun like cards online. I love selling the btc on the site after they raise n buy when they crash simple
Think ur goin on about these coins a bit much lax, with the movement in them ye need to spend thousands to make anything worth talking about ffs, spending a grand odd to make 50 quid or so, and with the hassle, and the point that it's still a gamble, not for me. Hardly worth it unless your goin all out with 1000s on them
0.55298138 that's me dn wallet now from the last week, I get a 500e max purchase so I have to keep an eye on the market n I get notifications with drops and rises cuz u can also trade btc for money n shit n all it means is I get me drugs more grand amd I've me 5000 pills . but I've a fairy landing soon so I'll have to sort him first n just let the coins appreciate or depreciate in exciting shouldn't be 2 long I always money his stuff stupid fast