Holy Shit What a Superbowl!

Yea great game. It was a disappointing first half. With fuck ups at every turn on by the patriots . Atlanta was coming strong. I sure got my monies worth tho. The falcons seemed to sizzle out. I had my fingers crossed hoping that missed kick didn't fuck up the chance for a tie/win
Tom Brady never forgot that there's 60 minutes in a football game.

The tides reversed so suddenly I had trouble keeping up lol
There`s a lot of truth to "Do Not showboat during the game". You will never see a New England Patriot showboat and then play the next set. Celebrating a TD is one thing, but showboating will drive the other team.

It was a looooong ride home for Atlanta.
There`s a lot of truth to "Do Not showboat during the game". You will never see a New England Patriot showboat and then play the next set. Celebrating a TD is one thing, but showboating will drive the other team.

It was a looooong ride home for Atlanta.
18-1! Lols
Ny giants!!! Eli for god;-)
More like super bull as in super bullshit.

The falcons are playing a game in foxborough next season. I really want to go up there and see that game.
Patriots are Nazis. Kraft, Belicheat and Tom, "I'll never measure up to Joe Montana," Brady. They are Nazi sympathizers. If you're a fan of the Cheatriots, you are also a Nazi sympathizer.
Bullshit. Nazis are Nazis. You are what you support. Patriots support Nazis, so the whole team is Nazi sympathizers and so are all their fans. Are YOU a Nazi sympathizer?
Your hyberbole crosses the line of good taste.

For the record, I sat down at my neighborhood sports bar in hopes of watching a great football game and the color of the jerseys the players wore was absolutely irrelevant to me- and frankly still is.

Lots of great players on both teams played their hearts out and surpassed my hopes for a skillful and exciting game.

Calling the team that won awful names does nothing to advance our discourse and attempting to smear me, a simple spectator, with the same inflammatory drivel only serves to make you look bad.

At this point I care nothing for your opinion about the fairness of the game, any calls made or any other issue you might think is important.
Your hyberbole crosses the line of good taste.
Who died and left you the arbiter of good taste? I guess you're a Nazi sympathizer. Good to know. If you're not resisting 169 percent, please just remain on the sidelines and let those with the courage of their convictions. I resist because Hitler wants all poor people to die. So I take what you've written VERY personally. If you will not resist, why post here at all?
Who died and left you the arbiter of good taste? I guess you're a Nazi sympathizer. Good to know. If you're not resisting 169 percent, please just remain on the sidelines and let those with the courage of their convictions. I resist because Hitler wants all poor people to die. So I take what you've written VERY personally. If you will not resist, why post here at all?
@UncleBuck will have the perfect words to describe your vile misuse of language and good sense. I can hardly wait.
@UncleBuck will have the perfect words to describe your vile misuse of language and good sense. I can hardly wait.
So, no one died and left you the arbiter of anything. Good to know. Please, sir, shut the fuck up.

Also, FFS, stop being a pussy. I don't care what he or you say. If you want to be a Nazi sympathizer, have at it, but it makes you identical to Tampee. Is that what you want? BTW, my guess is the good Uncle will stay right out of it. I ask again, are YOU a Nazi sympathizer? Clearly, you support Jeff Sessions' fervor to ban all cannabis.
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Oh FFS, stop being a pussy. I don't care what he or you say. If you want to be a Nazi sympathizer, have at it, but it makes you identical to Tampee. Is that what you want? BTW, my guess is the good Uncle will stay right out of it. I ask again, are YOU a Nazi sympathizer?
ddipStikk always defers to Buck right before he puts someone on ignore. Count your blessings; his prose has no value so you will miss nothing.
ddipStikk always defers to Buck right before he puts someone on ignore. Count your blessings; his prose has no value so you will miss nothing.
He's clearly afraid to engage. That's because he knows he has nothing to offer as a counterpoint. My "vile misuse of language" is NOT, and if this little millennial can't form a cogent argument, he needs to learn how to use the language and quit being such a mindless little slacker.