Just a Warning..........


Well-Known Member
To everyone growing outdoors this year. Check them buds and check them daily for mold/budrot. I had to harvest one of my Big Buds way early due to this problem and it seems another is showing early symptoms. Me and some fellow growers where talking tonight and i guess it's a really common thing. One suggested sulfur pots? This i will have to google. I just hope my others pull through and give me good yields. Any ideas or suggestions?



Well-Known Member
Flowing air is very important. Fast flowing air. If you can have fans blowing on them, then it will be a big defense against mold.

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
Unless you got the stuff growing in the safety of your back yard, fans are pretty much out of the question. Its a tough journey to mine. One I now have to try and do daily to check for rot.

My only worry about treating them is that should they have rot that is already spreading and you need to do an emergency harvest, can you smoke the bud after you just treated it?

I used neem oil because it says it helps with rot and mold and I purposefully left some rot on a branch so I could treat it and see if it progressed. It sure as hell did in just 24 hours time.

I have never believed in snipping healthy leaves off the plant at any time during the grown but I snipped a ton of them all around my colas and branches and anywhere they seemed to could slightly obstruct moving air to my buds. I don't want to lose everything and I already picked a bunch early that was growing on the one bad plant. I noticed today that it was starting on the plant 5 yards away and now it also on one that's about 10 yards away. My other two show no signs and I really hope it stays that way.


Well-Known Member
The fan idea is assuming that you are growing in your yard. If you're growing out in the woods or something... then the fan idea can be disregarded.


Well-Known Member
I could put a fan outside but that doesn't seem normal. Anyone heard of the Baking Soda method? If so fill me in.



Well-Known Member
Theres some purple on my one of my lowest buds...i dont think its a characteristic of the sstrain but im not sure...it doesnt look like rot but ya never know.WHat color is bud rot?


Well-Known Member
yeah... thats the only good thing that the wind really does for me.... I don't have to worry much at all about bud rot.... its dry and hot here, even on cloudy days :D


Well-Known Member
mold may also be yellow or orange depending on where you live. My buddy let the mold go on a plant he didn't even know he had, and after it died and fell over some of the best mushrooms I have ever done grew out of the moldy buds.... :)
lol daconil. or use a bunch of grits/ orgainic to grow good fungus to kill the bad. or just kill all fungus with daconil. Not sure how that will work for smoking.

seriously, you need some dry granular funguscide, and spread it around the area where the plants are, its a symtimic funguscide and it draws it up into the plant to fight off fungus.

although it sounds way too late to put it out now.. you have to use this stuff every time the weather changes from hot and humid to cool and dry. If you have an area that is prone, you need to apply every 3 to 4 months if it is a dry symtimic funguscide