1.5 Week Seedling Curling


Well-Known Member
Grab a CFL and throw over it ... Low stress light for seedling and keeps stretch in check.

But If you got a strechy seedling right now ... Just bury that stem in the soil ( transplant or top dress soil. Roots will form from that buried stem.

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So it's time for some updates! Neither plant has died, and only one has signs of yellowing.

I changed my watering routine, and added some light reflection to my setup (3 cheap reflector things and 1 white wall ).

Weirdly enough the one with the yellowing on the edges is kicking ass it seems like. The leaves are growing in small vertical space (almost no stretching), and the new leaves are not yellowed immediately. Diagnosis on the yellowing, if it even matters (growing fine)? I almost want to say hot soil, but then why is the other one completely yellowing free? The only difference between the two was the germination method and time, and as a result, earlier on their watering schedule was also a bit different.

The yellowing one had to be transplanted from a teacup into the small pot. The other one started in the small pot.


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