thieves suck balls

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Well-Known Member
I agree, when people steal it makes the rest of us have to pay more.

If you are starving and steal food that is acceptable. The price of food is getting way beyond out of hand and I think food theft is going to be on the rise in the coming months.

It's not the same thing as some punk stealing a ballast so he can grow some weed.
Why is stealing food ok when every city on earth has at least one church? Most also have food banks and homeless shelters.


Well-Known Member
I have gone through hard times in my life to but my life is pretty damn good right now because of personal responsibility and moral fiber. Both of which you seem to lack.
Lmao. You're so full of yourself. You probably had parents u could fall back on if times got too hard. Not everybody is so fortunate. Trust me, everybody (including you) will steal when they get pushed far enough. Let he is without sin cast the first stone.


Well-Known Member
Why is stealing food ok when every city on earth has at least one church? Most also have food banks and homeless shelters.
It ain't always that easy. Me and my girl recently moved 1,000 miles away from our families together so I can go to college. We got nobody, it's just me and her. I steal shit from Wal-Mart and return it to buy food with. I've never stolen from a fellow human being. And I never steal when I have money. But, if it's the difference between eating baloney and ramen noodles for two weeks or eating real food, I'm gonna do it. I'll do w/e it takes to keep that girl happy. If it was just me I'd probably opt for ramen. You should try walking a mile in another's shoes b4 u start judging them.


Well-Known Member
Lmao. You're so full of yourself. You probably had parents u could fall back on if times got too hard. Not everybody is so fortunate. Trust me, everybody (including you) will steal when they get pushed far enough. Let he is without sin cast the first stone.
Nope, I am self made, also even if I went the way of Job I wouldn't steal. I would use the resources avalible to anyone and everyone to get back up on my feet. Go rent "The Pursuit of Happiness" he managed to have nothing but still kept his character.


Well-Known Member
I have gone through hard times in my life to but my life is pretty damn good right now because of personal responsibility and moral fiber. Both of which you seem to lack.

You are right. I lack moral fiber and any sense of personal responsibility. And why? Because when I was 16 with a baby and daddy walked out on us, and my mom threw me out, I couldn't afford to pay rent, cable, food and diapers.

Because the money I made waitressing at the local diner working double shifts while still going to school at night wasn't enough to pull me out of the hole I put us in.

But I stole diapers...and I guess that lumps me with the 15 year kids stealing ballasts. I guess that strips me of morality.

Today, I own my own house, I raised two babies, I used to homeschool, I have two cars, and we never want for anything. I can promise you, I didn't make it this far because of my .......lack of moral fiber. I made it is far because of the hard life I lived, made me strong enough to build the life I have now.

And if I had to do it all over again....I would.


Well-Known Member
It ain't always that easy. Me and my girl recently moved 1,000 miles away from our families together so I can go to college. We got nobody, it's just me and her. I steal shit from Wal-Mart and return it to buy food with. I've never stolen from a fellow human being. And I never steal when I have money. But, if it's the difference between eating baloney and ramen noodles for two weeks or eating real food, I'm gonna do it. I'll do w/e it takes to keep that girl happy. If it was just me I'd probably opt for ramen. You should try walking a mile in another's shoes b4 u start judging them.
So you CHOSE to move 1000 miles away yet you think you NEED to steal? You have no character at all and I hope you get hit by a bus.


Well-Known Member
You are right. I lack moral fiber and any sense of personal responsibility. And why? Because when I was 16 with a baby and daddy walked out on us, and my mom threw me out, I couldn't afford to pay rent, cable, food and diapers.

Because the money I made waitressing at the local diner working double shifts while still going to school at night wasn't enough to pull me out of the hole I put us in.

But I stole diapers...and I guess that lumps me with the 15 year kids stealing ballasts. I guess that strips me of morality.

Today, I own my own house, I raised two babies, I used to homeschool, I have two cars, and we never want for anything. I can promise you, I didn't make it this far because of my .......lack of moral fiber. I made it is far because of the hard life I lived, made me strong enough to build the life I have now.

And if I had to do it all over again....I would.
It has everything to do with the choices you made. No one forced you to have unprotected sex at 16. There are plenty of outreach centers for single mothers (hell I have volunteered at one) who would help with daycare and diapers. You can rationalize your lack of character all you want.


Well-Known Member
Only when a thief is caught do they feel bad for what they done , until then no need to waste your time trying to explain your ways of thought . They always say " I know i screwed up and im sorry " or " if i could take it back i would not done it " All in all your gonna do what your gonna do to as some say survive , when i can understand it if your homeless , abandoned , or just a piece of shit you would steal to get by . Top Ramien i ate for months at a time , also straight white rice , Pinto beens , Tortillas and drank water when times was bad during a divorce . You can get by on what you can buy !!! Even the homeless have the more morals then some of you . Atleast they ask for spare change or food . I only give food , that way i know they ate .


Well-Known Member
So you CHOSE to move 1000 miles away yet you think you NEED to steal? You have no character at all and I hope you get hit by a bus.
Well I guess I'm just a shitty person then:sad:...
Did u read what I wrote? I chose to move so I can go to college and hopefully make good money so I won't have to steal. Plus, my parents are too poor to help us out. Technically, I don't need to steal, I suppose. But, I will to keep my girl happy and live a decent lifestyle. Sorry. This is the land of plenty and it tends to piss you off when you have nothing in your cupboards but ramen soup and less than a dollar in your pocket. I'd rather steal than live like that. I guess I have no moral fiber.:sad: But, at least, I wouldn't ever hope for someone to get hit by a bus.


Well-Known Member
Only when a thief is caught do they feel bad for what they done , until then no need to waste your time trying to explain your ways of thought . They always say " I know i screwed up and im sorry " or " if i could take it back i would not done it " All in all your gonna do what your gonna do to as some say survive , when i can understand it if your homeless , abandoned , or just a piece of shit you would steal to get by . Top Ramien i ate for months at a time , also straight white rice , Pinto beens , Tortillas and drank water when times was bad during a divorce . You can get by on what you can buy !!! Even the homeless have the more morals then some of you . Atleast they ask for spare change or food . I only give food , that way i know they ate .
Yeah your not gonna get pussy like that tho. If I was by myself I would be fine living like that too.


Well-Known Member
Hard for me to pictue your lady holding you high in regards to you stealing what makes her happy . You steal to make her happy ? and to get her what she wants? Thats just wrong sorry to say . Maybe she is in the dark and does not know how she got that steak dinner or those new shoes ect . Good Luck in Life and College . Hope ya dont work in the School Store !!!


Well-Known Member
So you CHOSE to move 1000 miles away yet you think you NEED to steal? You have no character at all and I hope you get hit by a bus.
i'm really having a problem with this. i've banned too many people already today and i feel bad enough. you guys suck. :finger:
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