Random Jabber Jibber thread

Ferociously checks pm's :p

How was your day karah?
My day was weird. I got some heavy ass news about a great friend of mine yesterday. She gots the colon cancers, stage 3. :( It's tearing me up. So I'm trying to put together a care package. I've gotten a few donations from a few people just today. I'm trying to stay hopeful and help to provide as much oil, cbd crystalline I can get my hands on. I cried at work like a child and got sent home.

Weird day :|
My day was weird. I got some heavy ass news about a great friend of mine yesterday. She gots the colon cancers, stage 3. :( It's tearing me up. So I'm trying to put together a care package. I've gotten a few donations from a few people just today. I'm trying to stay hopeful and help to provide as much oil, cbd crystalline I can get my hands on. I cried at work like a child and got sent home.

Weird day :|
I'm so sorry. Good for you sending her what you can. There are a lot of new treatments for colon cancer out today so don't lose hope and Cannabis helps.
I also send nudes ;)


My day was weird. I got some heavy ass news about a great friend of mine yesterday. She gots the colon cancers, stage 3. :( It's tearing me up. So I'm trying to put together a care package. I've gotten a few donations from a few people just today. I'm trying to stay hopeful and help to provide as much oil, cbd crystalline I can get my hands on. I cried at work like a child and got sent home.

Weird day :|
Awww :hugs:

Sucks to hear. Best wishes to your friend and I will listen if ya need an ear.

Hey did you see @UncleBuck's Kevin federline(aka K fed) gif? I seent it and thought of you lmao

Remember dat? I'm just fucking with you, but that was funny
Dude go back and find the crocodile attack vid I posted.

It was so lulzy

He was with a britiah tourist read that backpackers were more likely to be attacked then aussies. So he went to test the theory to impress said girl.

"Haters gon hate"
My neighbor is about to shoot dice. It's Thursday night. Right now, one of his people are playing some badass songs on the car radio.

Makes the mood for music.