Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

I busted a gut laughing this morning. I usually take my 7 year old for a quick spin around the coast road before dropping her at school and she asked me why I didnt get her jacket. I said because its not cold outside, "yes it is daddy". I say no its not, you dont even sleep with a blanket at night, no way you are cold. She said "because you are from My (US) you dont get cold. I said honey I am from fucking Louisiana where it hardly gets cold so thats not a valid argument. She just shook her head. It was 25c. Feels awesome out
The Stinky Clog says that it's that time again.
The narcissus are all blooming around where I live. I almost forgot my tulips. Last year I pulled all the bulbs and kept them dry in the greenhouse. They'd all started to sprout in the pot lol. Quickly planted the and they all seem happy. Have a good year everyone.
Inside veranda.
we cleaned out our green house the other day and planted some seeds. the local cats have been using our tulip and hyacinth bed for a toilet ffs.
well wifey planted em but i think there's pumpkins, carrots, cabbage, toms dr, and im not sure what else but if they all pop we gonna be in trouble lol. oh yeah some beet roots too, sweet peas , broc and calis and onions and the wife says thats it.
I have planted lettuce and peas so far. Nothing has popped up yet. Need to get my swerve on with some more things.
yeah we're on it better than we was last year lol, still got peas to plant and copious cannabis lol. Down to my last fire balls seed as the rest have been boys and ive fell out with the guy who has my fem cut lol hes also got my gg4 cut.
yeah we're on it better than we was last year lol, still got peas to plant and copious cannabis lol. Down to my last fire balls seed as the rest have been boys and ive fell out with the guy who has my fem cut lol hes also got my gg4 cut.
I am sure that can be sorted. Going to be looking for a new Fireball male out the new generation myself. Put some cauliflower seeds down this afternoon.
One of those babies could be the next elite, clone-only that takes the world by storm.:weed:
They'll be given a chance:)
I ran some bubble hash and just poured all the left over in that bed lol. I'll be fucked if I can remember what I ran through the washing machine. I tend to mix all my trim and left overs from seeded plants together when doing a bubble run. We shall see....