Interesting about keeping it subzero temp. Hadn't heard that before. To get the cleanest extract though, it might be made with water at about 325-350 f in an enclosed batch reactor. At those temperatures water has similar polarity to alcohol and you actually get higher yields. It's called subcritical water extraction. The pressure from being enclosed keeps it liquid.
I guess you'd have to leach the material with water at normal pressure first so you won't pick up that crud with the pressurized water later, unless you had a way to only have the pressurized heated water ever come in contact with the material. The apparatus is usually constructed so that the extraction vessel and much of the piping is inside an oven of sorts. Temps used are usually 150-200 C, I said 325-350 f earlier, which is about 160-180 C. Obviously water is cheaper and easier to get than other solvents, including CO2. It's also completely non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Just need to use stainless steel pipe for construction. Actually, BHO apparatus may be modifiable, if it's thick enough.
Here's a
patent with info on subcritical water.