Open Show and Tell 2017-18

Last but not least. @nuggs You have inspired me to dump the chemical pesticides and go full organic/omri safe. At first I shrugged it off, but recently having kids, I felt guilty when spraying/treating. Ive done alot of research because of your standards set here on RIUs outdoor section. Thank You! Thank You to all the generations before me, without all of you, I wouldnt be were I am today. Dont forget that! Happy Growing!
Jumpmasters are the expert paratroopers in an airborne unit who train and teach the military techniques for jumping from airplanes. They are responsible for training soldiers who enter Army Airborne School into paratroopers and managing airbornejump operations in airborne units across all branches of services.
You serve first to be a jumpmaster ?
Is there like a number of jumps to qualify to teach or just how good you are...
I love the old history docs with paratroopers etc
You serve first to be a jumpmaster ?
Is there like a number of jumps to qualify to teach or just how good you are...
I love the old history docs with paratroopers etc
Yeah. I joined in '02. Didn't become a jumpmaster until 08.
You need 13 jumps from a high performance aircraft before they let you do the JM course.
The course is pretty tough. The attrition rate is about 75%.
But when you are training to be responsible for throwing 60 guys out of an airplane, the course should be hard.