Open Show and Tell 2017-18

Truth is, there are only a few Countries left that feel it is important to be an Empire.

To be strong, steadfast, solid.

People should live in a Country and know without a doubt that their Country will support them, will come and get them if they're in trouble, will pick them up when they fall.

That's what it means to be a nation of the people, for the people.
Here fuckin here!
Lol, I do a lot of work in France. I have a mate who loves to tell French people they'd be speaking German if it weren't for the US Military! Lol
Just like we might be speaking the Queens's English without the French Navy helping out off the Virginia Capes in September of '81. What goes around comes around.

Welcome to RIU.
I believe Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union fell out of relations sometime after WWI.

At least that's my memory of something I heard at University.

Interesting question.
They were in bed together until Hitler tried to tack Stalin's hide to the barn door in June of 1941. Stalin had a harder hide than he figured. It took a while, but Stalin did the tacking.

Statistics are funny things. We all know we won the war right? That's what we all learned. Yet 9 out of every 10 German soldiers killed were killed by the Red Army. We won't mention that little 46 year Iron Curtain thing.
Just ordered green crack. Still waiting for my fucking package from attitude I'm an impatient one when it comes to the mail
When I send cash across the sea {the big one} it takes two weeks to get there, then I have to wait about that long for the beans to get back. It is hard to wait.

But I just found a seed I was waiting on even longer. I collected pollen from my prized CPDA male twice. Got caught in a downpour with said pollen twice. Was afraid none of it would take. Well I just found a CPDA {chicken pen deer ate} X BP {berry patch} seed when going through some of last year's smoke. I know one isn't a lot, but there were only 3 of the BP seeds made in '16, 1 of which has been popped. I still haven't gone through all of last year's BP, so I may have more.

I think I also saw a couple of seeds in the big bag of CPDA shake. If so, that is CPDA X CPDA. The male and female were in a trench together, so under most conditions the bud would be full of seed. But we had so much rain in August, pollination was a bitch. So far I haven't shelled out any seeds from the bud. But then I haven't really started smoking on that yet. Since Spring is here, I'm trying to get most of my seeds together and labeled. It's a pain in the ass. After two or three hours in my camp chair, my ass hurts like hell.
Hey there. I don't really post on here much but thought i'd tell yous about my outdoor grow... I got 6 kush clones out atm 3 in the ground and 3 that will be transplanted in the next 3 days. They went out on the 25th of may. In around 4 weeks there will be more ready to go out of the same strain. Not to sure how many but i reckon 8/9. On 420 im going to start 16 critical kush seeds that i got in some bud a while back, ill be starting them of indoors for around 20 days. Also in 4 weeks im going to strip the honeysuckle by female seeds and the gigabud by G13 labs that i have in the veg tent and clone the lot and that will be the outdoor season for me :) ill probably post on here again and i might start a grow journal. Im on youtube if you guys want to see some vids, my channel is under the same name as on here. Peace, love and blazing. Skinzup.
U know your having a better year than last when u can see the tops from behind your 8ft high shed your standing behind :)

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Reminds me of my first grow, I had a Super Lemon Haze on the side of the house. Everything was good until she started stretching at 4'-4'6", and didn't stop until she'd hit 8'. Luckily I don't think my neighbors knew what it was, because it was growing right over their fence. Oops.:shock: