"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

what are you even saying about energy? problem? solution? not seeing it i think you should start medication and school so you can form thoughts better

third grade , when you stopped going to school.
your logic is weird like you have problems in your brain. are you saying we should spray ddt to kill mosquito or administer the cancer causing substance to humans? dumb.ddt is still used by the way.

We did spray ddt in the US and eliminated malaria and and any future possibility. Then you eco nuts decided that wasn't good enough for the rest of the world. Are you denying the fact the eco nuts in the US once tried to ban ddt world wide?

Funny that the eco nuts will also sign petitions to ban di-hydrogen monoxide.
once you post a pic of your fishing buddy with the heil hitler tattoos.
i grew up in a backwoods, new jersey town near the pennsylvania border. there used to be a textile, mines, manufacturing, etcetera.

this is the 2nd picture that comes up in an image search when you google it:

You're pretty short so that makes you third from the left?
Dumb shit, why does it matter how they worship?? Judeo/Christian salvation is pie in the sky anyway you cut it.... I do believe Moses was involved with burning some kind of bush on that mountain... Right there is what it kills it for me.... The story he told sounds more like mushrooms ....
I think everyone should be able worship whatever they want to believe in, they will anyway... Funny isn't it, that you need to believe in a Christian god, to be a Devil worshiper.. While you're at it, you might as well slam the Mormons for shuffling the bible..
i asked you what kind of socialist.
Socialism is a social and economic theory whereas Nazism is a political ideology. Many of Hitlers men where socialists , most where Christian.
there are different forms of socialism as well as different definitions of socialism.
you will have to look it up because you don't know what you are talking about. you are trying to say liberals are socialists and there for support Hitler, it might work for a troll but it doesn't jive nor does it matter
Does it hurt a little to literally not be able to spell nazi without
"socialists workers party" thereby never actually being to separate nazi and socialist on any level ever?
Does it hurt a little to literally not be able to spell nazi without
"socialists workers party" thereby never actually being to separate nazi and socialist on any level ever?

are you just as retarded as that neo-nazi holocaust denier tampee? still thinking that hitler was somehow left wing?

he was too far right for the right wing in germany. although the conservative party did try to ally themselves with hitler at one point.

hitler divided and put out of power all of germany's left wing parties.

this is historical fact.

are you a holocaust denier as well?
Dumb shit, why does it matter how they worship?? Judeo/Christian salvation is pie in the sky anyway you cut it.... I do believe Moses was involved with burning some kind of bush on that mountain... Right there is what it kills it for me.... The story he told sounds more like mushrooms ....
I think everyone should be able worship whatever they want to believe in, they will anyway... Funny isn't that you need to believe in a Christian god, to be a Devil worshiper.. While you're at it, you might as well slam the Mormons for shuffling the bible..

Jw's believe Armageddon will be here any moment and are on the third failed prediction date. Climate alarmists are about on par with them.

That's why.

Any more questions Joseph smith? Or was it Charles Russell?

Not to say that some of you cult members aren't upstanding people or anything, or that I care how you worship but tho is a matter of public policy and I am the public but not in the cult.

Get more emotional though slugger, that will help.

Jw's believe Armageddon will be here any moment and are on the third failed prediction date. Climate alarmists are about on par with them.

That's why.

Any more questions Joseph smith? Or was it Charles Russell?

Not to say that some of you cult members aren't upstanding people or anything, or that I care how you worship but tho is a matter of public policy and I am the public but not in the cult.

Get more emotional though slugger, that will help.

eco nuts and climate alarmists! - cries the pathetic nazi who insists that hitler was a left winger.
National socialism was right wing but international socialism was left wing. Great theories here dumb asses. I suppose Stalin, Hugo and che were right wing as well since they were nationalists.

Looking dumb is a disguise, we cant provide lead free water(?) for our children and now don't want to help them once they are ill.
I can provide lead free water and so can you. Its called a brita pitcher. So you think Putin embarrassed himself with the olympics on purpose to confront the cia because of lead water?

Nice one.