"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Too much corp. control?

We are American Water

American Water (NYSE: AWK) is the largest and most geographically diverse publicly traded U.S. water and wastewater utility company. Marking its 130th anniversary this year, the company employs more than 6,700 dedicated professionals who provide regulated and market-based drinking water, wastewater and other related services to an estimated 15 million people in 47 states and Ontario, Canada. More information can be found by visiting www.amwater.com.

In 2011, Citigroup economist Willem Buiter predicted that "water as an asset class will, in my view, become eventually the single most important physical-commodity based asset class, dwarfing oil, copper, agricultural commodities and precious metals."[7] But some American cities are fighting this commodification of precious water resources and have engaged in successful campaigns to take back or "municipalize" public water utilities. See below for details.

Freedom is not free. Comrad. But moving Profits to China is very "American".
Can't have freedom with fake money.
One great advantage to living in a city right up against the mountains it gets its water from is that there are fewer opportunities for contaminants to enter the water supply.
Trouble is the hills here are mostly superfund sites.
Before the first el nino storms the town i grow up in had mostly spring water. Very clean exept for the natural ocuring floride. The city i live in now has spring water but it is piped to a different city.
Keynesians, so predictable. Supernovas set the value of gold, thought you science, oh well.
Value is a human function, moron.

Supernovas only create quantity, not value.

Example; the quantity of your posted drivel far exceeds their value.

I keep coming back to this as something that is missing in discussions regarding the economy. We treat and discuss the economy as a subject separate from people when the economy is almost entirely a human construct. Capitalism is a better organizing principle than some other economic philosophies, not that something better can supplant it. Adam Smith came up with the idea by studying people. Imagine that.

Value is a human function, moron.

Supernovas only create quantity, not value.

Example; the quantity of your posted drivel far exceeds their value.
Squirrels sure seem to value nuts.
Supply has nothing to do with value, thanks for that valuable lesson.
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I keep coming back to this as something that is missing in discussions regarding the economy. We treat and discuss the economy as a subject separate from people when the economy is almost entirely a human construct. Capitalism is a better organizing principle than some other economic philosophies, not that something better can supplant it. Adam Smith came up with the idea by studying people. Imagine that.

For whatever reason I did really well in my economics classes in college. In spite of that, I had a strong feeling that what I was learning had less to do with natural and quantifiable phenomena and much more to do with the knowledge, attitudes and biases of the people involved. As the years have passed, I'm more sure than ever that simple human nature is the dark, seamy and largely unacknowleged underbelly of the 'dismal science'.

I think this is why in so many areas of the economy, I think perception is more powerful than data. Technical stock market analysts and traders make their (usually very good) living off of this very principle.
Lead in the water?
Doubtful, it was all about the Socialist Workers Party they made the rich pay the working man a good wage just like Bernie Sanders wanted to do as well as good welfare retirement and all. He gave Germany back to the people who then followed him because he did great things for the little man.

Bernie Sanders much? Yeah, same damn song and dance would he have led us to war? You know it he would have backed Israel and Saudi Arabia to take over the Middle East. Though Trump may too but seems like his prime objective is ISIS not Assad or Iran but only time will tell.
You tell me why the German people followed Hitler? My theory is sound.
Because they drank the Kool-Aid, dumbass.

Germany got fucked after WWI, they were basically presented an invoice for all costs incurred during the war (like Trump tried to do to Merkel over NATO, why do you think there was such uproar over it?) and the little people suffered hard.

So when Adolf came along and promised a way out, the German people took it. They didn't know he wanted to exterminate Jews, you act as if they were complicit?
Because they drank the Kool-Aid, dumbass.

Germany got fucked after WWI, they were basically presented an invoice for all costs incurred during the war (like Trump tried to do to Merkel over NATO, why do you think there was such uproar over it?) and the little people suffered hard.

So when Adolf came along and promised a way out, the German people took it. They didn't know he wanted to exterminate Jews, you act as if they were complicit?
They knew all about the Jews Hitler's speeches blamed the Jews for the people being poor. Which must have been fairly true because they did great once they rounded up the Jews.