Shout out to Lauren my favourite bartender♡♡♡<3
She hooked me up with the beers and wrote a cute message on my receipt. "Wake up sober please *****, try and look happy next time.

Shout out to the window washing collaboration for wantig to stomp my head in. I dipped outta that bar because I ain't bout dat fighting.
Shout outs to the makers of fine beer whiskey and food. Without you life would be a sick joke
The punch line is when I slit my own throat and giggles at the bloodm
Shout outs to EmO for never leaving me despite my shitty ass attitude towards you and life ij general. You always look like a emo barbie with a nose I could just poke. Without you cocaine wouldn't be rich enough
Shout outs to any one who has listened to me rant and rave and still throws me a hello here and there. I might be overwhelming but I cone with generosity and a big fucking smile.
Finally shout out to the ontario welfare program. Without you I wouldn't have all this money stacking up. This collaboration with the crack heads is good.
Shout OUTS baby Shout ought
Oh and mr binks aka dat boiii
Thanks for calling me and letting me make my mtacky jokes. Male was sent an hour ago fam.
Ill buy hockey tickets for us one day to party and bash our noses sober m8
Im just across the falls look for mybneon tracksuit