"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Rofl, cant believe the fruitcakes here still think hitler was responsible for six million jews.

Are people still that ignorant?

There is not even records of three million, let alone six.

You can really spot the people who watch/belive The National Geographic Channel/History channel, You know what they say, History is written by the victors...

Go away and do our own research, you will learn far more than being spoonfed shiet
Over 80 Million people died in WW2, If you accept the over inflated 6 million, thats >92% non jewish deaths...

The killing's of most Jew's were from local gangs taking matters into their own hands.

In any country in any war, you will get people who do what they want, those killings where not under the instruction from Hitler.

The troops finding bodies has no relation to either side of the story, The troops must have also found 9 times out of 10 a non jewish body, what do you have to say about that?

If you go and try to find the Instruction from Hitler speechs - "Go and kill the Jews", you will surprise yourself, because its probably something you have accepted, yet its not recorded ANYWHERE!

Its about time you recognize the ACTUAL disaster that occured in the war, and it wasn't the death of a few jews, but the people who died under the falsehood they was fighting for the better.

So, you make a case that Jews are a minority. So what? I would not surprise myself looking for a public speech where Hitler said "go kill jews". It was a Blitz. Orders aren't given in public.

Troops didn't just find bodies. They found abandoned camps with people locked inside still alive. So there were plenty of witness accounts.

Is the earth a sphere?
Over 80 Million people died in WW2, If you accept the over inflated 6 million, thats >92% of deaths where non jewish.

The killing's of most Jew's were from local gangs taking matters into their own hands.

In any country in any war, you will get people who do what they want, those killings where not under the instruction from Hitler.

The troops finding bodies has no relation to either side of the story, The troops must have also found 9 times out of 10 a non jewish body, what do you have to say about that?

If you go and try to find the Instruction from Hitler speechs - "Go and kill the Jews", you will surprise yourself, because its probably something you have accepted, yet, it is not recorded ANYWHERE!

Its about time you recognize the ACTUAL disaster that occured in the war, and it wasn't the death of a few jews, but the people who died under the falsehood they was fighting for the better.
What's with you fake conspiracy people? The facts are exactly opposite of your statements. It's well documented. You post a bizarre claim and demand us to prove you wrong. Umm no. you posted the claim, prove it.

Of course, you can't because your claim is false. Unless you want to defend the idea that the greater proportion of people who died were not Jews, which is true yet has no bearing on the facts behind the holocaust.
So, you make a case that Jews are a minority. So what? I would not surprise myself looking for a public speech where Hitler said "go kill jews". It was a Blitz. Orders aren't given in public.

Troops didn't just find bodies. They found abandoned camps with people locked inside still alive. So there were plenty of witness accounts.

Is the earth a sphere?
Mighty selective reading you do. I suppose if all I knew about the world came from the Dick and Jane grade school series of the past, I'd be pretty naive too.

It was a Blitz? Are you digging yourself a deeper hole?

You do realize that Generals have diaries, and lots of them. What you are proposing is that all orders are publicly recorded in diaries apart from the one order "go and kill jews, hurry hurry, be secret dont tell anybody".

Go and actually research the topic instead of repeating something you once read in a school textbook.

As you have asked me many questions, now I ask you.

Can you explain to me why it is illegal in some countries to deny The Holocaust - duration <10 years - 6 Million deaths.
And why it is Legal to deny The Slave Trade - duration >350 Years - >50 Million deaths.

Because those countries don't have a Constitutionally protected freedom of speech.

Is the earth a sphere?
Mighty selective reading you do. I suppose if all I knew about the world came from the Dick and Jane grade school series of the past, I'd be pretty naive too.

So I am contending Hitler was aware of what was going on in the camps and you're calling me naive........so good position you got going there SausageDog.
Where did I demand ANYBODY to prove me wrong?

Quote me.

Il quote you something asshole.

Looks to me like I am the one being asked to prove others wrong, learn to read.
What a tender little snowflake.

So, not maybe the exact words you cowardly chose but this is definitely a "prove me wrong" statement:

The troops must have also found 9 times out of 10 a non jewish body, what do you have to say about that?

I'm not going to even try to prove you wrong. Your claim about the holocaust being false is incredible, that's all.
You post a bizarre claim and demand us to prove you wrong. Umm no. you posted the claim, prove it.

Where did I demand ANYBODY to prove me wrong?

So, not maybe the exact words you cowardly chose

ROFL, idiocy in its greatest form.

I'm not going to even try to prove you wrong.

And thats because you can't.

Jog on you mug, all you have done here is made yourself look the fool.
You must not have understood my questions. Why did those countries made it illegal to deny the holocast, but didn't do the same for the slave trade (or any other type of genocide)

Answer the question mate.

My opinion is that the earth is a sphere.

I'm quite literal. They made it illegal because it is legal to curtail speech there. As to their motives? That's a question for you.
So I am contending Hitler was aware of what was going on in the camps and you're calling me naive........so good position you got going there SausageDog.
Hitler talked eliminating Jews from about 1920's on. Doesn't matter that he didn't use your specific words. The Final Solution was public policy in 1942. In Mein Kampf Hitler talked about it. To say otherwise is naive.

But then again, you think economics are like physics. Your education stopped with the Dick and Jane series.
@twostrokenut Perhaps the motive is to surpress ANY type of view other than "Accept it" - Or go to prison.

What a Law... Once its in place, its like nobody can say otherwise regardless of the evidence.
Hitler talked eliminating Jews from about 1920's on. Doesn't matter that he didn't use your specific words. The Final Solution was public policy in 1942. In Mein Kampf Hitler talked about it. To say otherwise is naive.

But then again, you think economics are like physics. Your education stopped with the Dick and Jane series.

See this is why you are perhaps the dumbest, slightly above average person around these parts.

Here are the "specific words" you reference, which I was referencing as well.
"Go and kill the Jews"

First hint was the quotes. But you, in your fine superior view of yourself and your intellect must have missed that part of the thread that is just at the top of the page here huh?

You're so well read though. LAWLS.

So what about me disagreeing that it was not public policy are you having a hard time with idiot?
Sorry to tell you, there isn't any proof of millions of Jews found burned to death in camps.

This is the exact type of idotic shiet brain dead people like you ignorantly repeat.

For you to post what you do, it really highlights how little you actually know about even your own side of the story.

You couldn't even find proof of 500,000 found burned to death, let alone millions.

Lol, what a disaster you really are.
You are right. I am not in possession of the remains of millions of people, no means to exhume and perform autopsies either. This is somehow important to you. I have no idea why.

Over a million Jews were killed in Auschwitz alone. Their manner of death was various. Why do you deny the Germans had an extermination policy on Jews? Or that the difference between 4 million and 6 million Jewish dead in the German areas of control is somehow important. Makes no sense.

It is important to oppose ignorance because people like Hitler and Trump use the ignorant to take power.
