Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

Setting up the first 8 greenhouses tomorrow. Will plant pineapple express ,tnr,Deimos,sweet sativa,gth1,blue dream along with gorilla bomb ,cherry bomb, royal purple kush ,and black dog
maybe..idk..Trichs are normally amber and hairs are normally brown or orange...
Hes a pup...he will learn and anyways i would say hairs look an amber colour after white but before btown lol
The paki had the smallest amout of amber (trichs) before the rain 2 days ago so up she spare room smells like a hydro set up
Ruby is right. The hairs were 50% orange/amber, not sure about the trichs.
Hes a pup...he will learn and anyways i would say hairs look an amber colour after white but before btown lol
The paki had the smallest amout of amber (trichs) before the rain 2 days ago so up she spare room smells like a hydro set up
I can say with great confidence that i know the difference between a trich and pistil :P condescending fuck haha
How long you reckon it'll be till ya pull lukey?
that first one i hope to pull the top colas off in 2 weeks.Then see how weather plays out for the rest. Maybe 4 weeks?? The other gorilla ones look like im still awhile off..maybe 4 to 6 weeks.?? What u guys recon?

The backyard ones I can move when needed so whenever they are done..still awhile to go.