I'm coming to the US of A

did anyone know that Unclebuck made a bet with his brother in law (the owner) to make 1,000,000 riu posts beforehe turns 40 ?
No shit, I was always wondering why he always gets a pass and gets people banned meanwhile he is always starting shit.

I thought it had to be something like that either connected to Sunni or more likely Rollitup.

Some bullshit though that fool should have lost the bet since he bet his account with several people that if Trump wins @UncleBuck would self ban himself. @rollitup why you letting him cheat you out of your bet he said he'd self ban if Trump won.
No shit, I was always wondering why he always gets a pass and gets people banned meanwhile he is always starting shit.

I thought it had to be something like that either connected to Sunni or more likely Rollitup.

Some bullshit though that fool should have lost the bet since he bet his account with several people that if Trump wins @UncleBuck would self ban himself. @rollitup why you letting him cheat you out of your bet he said he'd self ban if Trump won.
Cause buck is rollitup,,,drrr
Cause buck is rollitup,,,drrr
I have heard that too. I've heard a lot of stories though even some shit that Rollitup is Uncle Buck and is an imposter of the real Rollitup from Overgrow which was the real old guy in the picture.

Even if the real Rollitup guy could come here and prove it he will have his posts deleted and banned.
I have heard that too. I've heard a lot of stories though even some shit that Rollitup is Uncle Buck and is an imposter of the real Rollitup from Overgrow which was the real old guy in the picture.

Even if the real Rollitup guy could come here and prove it he will have his posts deleted and banned.


A. @UncleBuck is a superstar

B. You're on your way out.

A. @UncleBuck is a superstar

B. You're on your way out.
He knows me, so there's no arguing with A.

Story time!
When my egg hatched and i seen riu for the first time I was quite and polite. I went around searching for the best growers and I showed them respect, Still do. I tried to not step on anyone's toes. After all, I was merely a baby bird that couldn't even fly yet. Uncle buck took me in and rep'd me until I was strong enough to be the best. @UncleBuck thanks bro.
He knows me, so there's no arguing with A.

Story time!
When my egg hatched and i seen riu for the first time I was quite and polite. I went around searching for the best growers and I showed them respect, Still do. I tried to not step on anyone's toes. After all, I was merely a baby bird that couldn't even fly yet. Uncle buck took me in and rep'd me until I was strong enough to be the best. @UncleBuck thanks bro.
Do you like mexicans ....headless ones ?