For the love of Christ and MDMA facts, listen here for a sec.
If you plan on doing it your first time or ANY time for that matter. The first thing you want to do is be SMART with your pills. Know what you're taking before you take it. Because Xtc can have anything from K to Heroin to LSD in the pill.
Use that site and look up the pills BEFORE you buy them. It's up to date and really good with descriptions of everyone's experience WITH that kind of pill. It's always active.
Yes, you can get PURE MDMA. No, it will NOT come in the shape of a pressed pill (Be careful of people trying to rip you off saying it's "pure") . Pure MDMA cannot stick together to form a pill therefor pure MDMA will be put into a capsule.
Yes, the first time you do Xtc there is a low low low low chance you're allergic to MDMA and yes... You will die.
Since this is your first time... I recommend not taking anymore than 2. Take one and then take the second 30 minutes later. If not, just take one and you should still have a great first roll.
As long as you get some clean pills you should be able to have some good sleep and a good meal in the morning.
The only reason people talk bad about this drug is because they're pissed off they got some bunk ass pills.
Trust experience... You'll never feel as good as you will on Xtc.
Be smart, be safe, and most importantly... Enjoy the "good stuff".