The fuck cats thread

Hey cat good to see you, where's Rosey? Give her my luvz :D
she's parenting puppies atm, i told her she needed to write you today :). i'll jump on her and make sure she does the sociable thing, we have just been extremely busy the last few months. now it's sprouting season, with pups, getting the beds ready, building a hoop house, chicks everywhere, and the snakes seem to have become immune to sulfur... but, we have a clutch of ball python eggs finally! Hope you are doing well! :D

she has puppy pics... hehehe :D

ps, just jumped on her. if she doesn't get with you this evening i'll sit on her until she does ;)
I've found, thru trial and error, that a "deep" experience with Buck only occurs if I'm the pitcher instead of the catcher, if you know what I mean...

remember when i outed your zarabeth sock puppet and you tried to deny it for months before finally having to admit that i outsmarted you for the 14th or 15th time?