Jon E. Doe
Well-Known Member
not nearly as many as we did. we killed 500,000 civilians. possibly up to a million.
ISIS would have to kill 1,744 civilians every single day, day after, for 8 straight years in order to match the killing we did over there.
I was there. Spent better than 6 of my 22 over there. You watch too much TV. perhaps a hobby is needed.
We didn't ask to go, we were ordered by politicians that represent you. Don't like it, put the bong down and run for office. Young kids aren't signing up to die, nor are they psychos who have a killing fetish. Many just feel patriotic or do not have other prospects. Pretty shitty that anyone would sit on the internet and bash the kid down the block that enlisted because they aren't packing the gear to get off their couch and get involved.
Parting thought, you'd be dead right now if it weren't for some kids out there protecting our nation. To think otherwise speaks of a lack of worldly experience.
For better or worse (and I think worse), that is reality. You can believe whatever your TV and the interwebs tell ya. I lived it.