American soldier; WE are the terrorists

It's quite accurate when it comes to this stuff. Youtube, facebook, et al totally restricted our video uploads from the war years ago because they were too graphic. Like I said, if you'll only believe your own eyes, go over and see for yourself. Unless, you know, it's too much work or whatever.
What's shown is accurate- but only a tiny sliver of what's actually going on ever makes it onto the news, and that is carefully vetted to make sure it doesn't offend the powers that be...

Those powers, not incidentally, who profit by indebting our children in order to build ever more boomers, carriers, fighter planes and the weapons for them to carry... and USE with depressing regularity to keep our populace afraid and submissive to ever more expensive toys for killing.

Now we're building walls to keep people out...

So much for, 'give us your tired, your downtrodden, your poor'.

We have ceased to be the America we were taught about in school.
multiple humans rights organizations all agree that half a million dead civilians is the low end estimate of what you barbarians did over there.

Whilst you sat on your ass and did dick. What a fucking contributor to humanity you are. We did our nations bidding. If you didn't want us to go why didn't you do something internet warrior?
What's shown is accurate- but only a tiny sliver of what's actually going on ever makes it onto the news, and that is carefully vetted to make sure it doesn't offend the powers that be...

Those powers, not incidentally, who profit by indebting our children in order to build ever more boomers, carriers, fighter planes and the weapons for them to carry... and USE with depressing regularity to keep our populace afraid and submissive to ever more expensive toys for killing.

Now we're building walls to keep people out...

So much for, 'give us your tired, your downtrodden, your poor'.

We have ceased to be the America we were taught about in school.

I humbly agree.
It's your internet fraud, not mine. I have made no claims.

You tried too hard, champ. And you flopped. I've gotten along pretty well without you approval. But I appreciate your best effort at trying to troll.
Whilst you sat on your ass and did dick. What a fucking contributor to humanity you are. We did our nations bidding. If you didn't want us to go why didn't you do something internet warrior?

i spoke out against that bullshit slaughterfest of choice for years.

me sitting on my ass saved way more lives of innocent civilians than your decision to head over there.
Sorry friend, was a Corpsman, saved lives (when I could). Not a evil killer like you frame me/us. The threats we have today are not our doing. The die was cast decades ago. But you keep on making assumptions about our young men and women, they'll still "Stand the Watch" so you can grow in peace and bash them for doing it.
Show me where I bash the enlisted. Good luck, because I never have and never will.

My beef is with the rich and powerful in this country who earn their wages of sin off the backs of the conflicts they send those kids to.

Our politics have been bought and paid for by these very same people in order to protect their endless war profiteering.

What do you think about that?
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i spoke out against that bullshit slaughterfest of choice for years.

me sitting on my ass saved way more lives of innocent civilians than your decision to head over there.

Proof? Or is that your best Stuart Smalley to make yourself feel better. You made zero difference. Want proof? Scroll up and read the kill numbers yoh posted earlier.
Show me where I bash the enlisted. Good luck, because I never have and never will.

My beef is with the rich and powerful in this country who earn their wages of sin off the backs of the conflicts they send those kids to.

Our politics have been bought and paid for by these very same people in order to protect their endless war profiteering.

What do you think about that?
Give us a fucking break
Who started this thread?
i spoke out against that bullshit slaughterfest of choice for years.

me sitting on my ass saved way more lives of innocent civilians than your decision to head over there.
Save your ire for those who manipulated the young and idealistic to go to foreign lands and kill for profit instead of protection.

The enlisted aren't the problem; the war profiteers who sit in their mansions over here are the ones we need to expose and expel from our political system.
I teach middle schoolers. I give them little tidbits here and there. Share a few acceptable stories. My teenage sons know the real score. I encourage then to seek education and question every political motivation.

But you'll never catch me speakinv out against our military members. They don't choose to go, they are ordered.
Save your ire for those who manipulated the young and idealistic to go to foreign lands and kill for profit instead of protection.

The enlisted aren't the problem; the war profiteers who sit in their mansions over here are the ones we need to expose and expel from our political system.


i hold the stupid as culpable as the evil.
I teach middle schoolers. I give them little tidbits here and there. Share a few acceptable stories. My teenage sons know the real score. I encourage then to seek education and question every political motivation.

But you'll never catch me speakinv out against our military members. They don't choose to go, they are ordered.
I had the great good fortune to live in Vietnam as a young child in 1971. I saw and smelled the aftermath of war firsthand. It's been 45 years and I've never forgotten who got us into that war and who got suckered into doing the dirty work for the profiteers.

This thread is an attempt to separate the heroes from the monsters and show them both for who they are... And the threats we as Americans all face if the monsters aren't exposed.

I volunteered at 18 and was turned down. This is my way of trying to save lives.
I was there. Spent better than 6 of my 22 over there. You watch too much TV. perhaps a hobby is needed.

We didn't ask to go, we were ordered by politicians that represent you. Don't like it, put the bong down and run for office. Young kids aren't signing up to die, nor are they psychos who have a killing fetish. Many just feel patriotic or do not have other prospects. Pretty shitty that anyone would sit on the internet and bash the kid down the block that enlisted because they aren't packing the gear to get off their couch and get involved.

Parting thought, you'd be dead right now if it weren't for some kids out there protecting our nation. To think otherwise speaks of a lack of worldly experience.

For better or worse (and I think worse), that is reality. You can believe whatever your TV and the interwebs tell ya. I lived it.
Oh look a trumpster dumpster. The only GOOD right-winger is a DEAD right winger.

i hold the stupid as culpable as the evil.
This is your weakness, then. Own it and examine it carefully.

By the time those kids find out the truth, it's far too late for them to do anything about it.

Or is it your position that everyone in the Armed Forces should refuse to do their duty and risk court martial?